am listing to Tim Janis holiday music and 30% or more is Lynyrd Skynyrd or similar music. Wildly different.
What happened?
Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity
Our support team has taken a look at your account and found that you have added an errant seed, Lynyrd Skynyrd, to that station. That's why you're hearing tracks that don't fit.
You can delete the bad seed by editing your station.
To do that from a computer:
To do that from a mobile device:
Hope this helps. Thanks for being a part of the community!
Our support team has taken a look at your account and found that you have added an errant seed, Lynyrd Skynyrd, to that station. That's why you're hearing tracks that don't fit.
You can delete the bad seed by editing your station.
To do that from a computer:
To do that from a mobile device:
Hope this helps. Thanks for being a part of the community!