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Previously uncensored songs now censored on My Thumbs Up playlist

Local Performer

I'm noticing more and more of the songs on my 'thumbs up' playlist are the censored version when I would have not liked the censored version in the first place. This is pretty unacceptable. I have read the explanation that sometimes rights expire, songs aren't the same, whatever... and to be honest, I don't care. I pay for a service, and I expect that service to work as expected. I'm paying extra for the premium membership, not willing to deal with this type of headache. I don't have time to inform Pandora of every instance this occurs, either. Maybe add a button to the app to report this type of thing and create a team to deal with the occurrences as they happen or something? I don't really care what you do, but giving us an excuse as to why it's happening without taking action isn't acceptable. This has been an issue with me for Pandora for over 5 years (user since 2010) and I'm going to be cancelling my subscription renewal next month if someone doesn't get back to me in a hurry with a solution I can live with.

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4 Replies

Local Performer

My apologies, I looked and apparently I didn't create an account until Feb 2011. My bad.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@maverick85wd Can you please do me a favor and send me a screenshot of what you are seeing?

What are the names of some of the tracks that have switched to the clean versions on your playlist, which you are positive were originally explicit?

Thanks for working with me on this. 🤝

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

Snoop dogg Ginn and juice


Anything tupac

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@Drewbuddy I'm showing your account is currently set up with the free service.

My Thumbs Up playlist is only available for users who are upgraded to Pandora Premium.

Can you please do me a favor and send me a screenshot of what you are seeing?

Thanks for working with me on this. 🤝

Adam | Community Moderator
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