Please help me recover my station, renamed Chicken Scratch Radio today, was Cake Strokes Radio, was Cake Radio. It had Cake and several other seed bands.
I've been having trouble with Google Home Mini messing up my Pandora stations, creating new stations when I ask it to play stations, and not being able to play stations. Hence the name changes...
@Angel14209 I moved your post over to this existing thread: Recovering Deleted Stations or Playlists
Your deleted stations have now been restored to your collection.
Hope this helps!
>>Check out: The Listener Lounge: August 2024
>>Visit New Music: Picks of the Week (09.30.24)
Hi Adam, could you help me restore the evanescence playlist my son deleted? It had hundreds of feeds and now it’s gone.
@Ninjara That station has now been restored to your collection.
Enjoy the music!
>>Check out: The Listener Lounge: August 2024
>>Visit New Music: Picks of the Week (09.30.24)
I need help restoring a deleted playlist called "wedding playlist"
@trev1084 That playlist has now been restored to your collection.
Hope this helps!
>>Check out: The Listener Lounge: August 2024
>>Visit New Music: Picks of the Week (09.30.24)
Hi I need to see if I can get one of my stations restored. My kids have been messing with my pandora account on our Apple TV and now I lost one of my stations that I have been curating for a long time. The station was called My Worship Radio. Can you restore it for me?
Thanks so much!
@devinkdozier I moved your post over to this existing thread: Recovering Deleted Stations or Playlists
That station has now been restored to your collection.
Hope this helps!
>>Check out: The Listener Lounge: August 2024
>>Visit New Music: Picks of the Week (09.30.24)
I need help. I seem to have lost my playlist and want to restore it. How do I do that?
@BanjoBob What is the name of the playlist you need help restoring?
Let me know.
>>Check out: The Listener Lounge: August 2024
>>Visit New Music: Picks of the Week (09.30.24)
Hi there, I lost my playlist labeled “Workout” that I had curated over years while using a new Sonos speaker at work. Can you please help me restore it?
I just accidentally deleted "My Jazz Music" station ... please restore if possible. Thanks!
@AKCat That station has now been added back to your collection.
Hope this helps!
>>Check out: The Listener Lounge: August 2024
>>Visit New Music: Picks of the Week (09.30.24)
@AHDesign That station has now been restored to your collection.
Enjoy the music!
>>Check out: The Listener Lounge: August 2024
>>Visit New Music: Picks of the Week (09.30.24)
Awesome, thanks for the quick response!
This! I accidentally and unknowingly deleted my Deep House playlist of specific curated song/artist today! Pls. help recover my Deep House playlist. TYVM!
@TheBubis I do not see any deleted playlists named Deep House on your account.
To clarify, are you looking to restore a station, or a playlist?
Additionally, what is the name of the station/playlist?
Let me know.
>>Check out: The Listener Lounge: August 2024
>>Visit New Music: Picks of the Week (09.30.24)
Thanks for the quick reply, but pls. disregard. I found the playlist, Deep House Radio Thumbs Up! It was in ‘My Collection’ all along.
Happy to hear it, @TheBubis.
Enjoy the music!
>>Check out: The Listener Lounge: August 2024
>>Visit New Music: Picks of the Week (09.30.24)
I accidently deleted a station from my collection that had quite the variety added in as far as artist and genres go. It was one of the best curated stations I have ever created - not a single complaint or skip from myself or anyone when listening in a group setting. I started with the Florida Georgia Line station and added over 20 artists and songs to influence the stream. This station was a lot of work to create and it took a while to get where I was in this masterpiece.
I was able to re-add FGL station but all the variety I added is now gone. Can this be recovered?