My Christmas station, which I have been listening to for the past week, is now giving me a message saying the station is currently unavailable, specifically the Christmas strain itself, and the Grandma's Favorites curated mode. The other modes still work.
@northernick Would it be possible to send me a screenshot of the error message you're seeing?
Thanks for working with me on this. 🤝
>>Check out: The Listener Lounge: August 2024
>>Visit New Music: Picks of the Week (09.16.24)
Since I can't attach the image on here, I put the link to the picture in my Dropbox instead. Hopefully it works...
Dropbox Screenshot Image
Thanks for following up, @northernick.
I tested your station on a computer, and was able to successfully stream your Christmas Radio station without error:
Since this issue appears to be specific to your Android device, I recommend running through the following troubleshooting steps: Troubleshooting for Android Devices
Let me know how it goes.
>>Check out: The Listener Lounge: August 2024
>>Visit New Music: Picks of the Week (09.16.24)