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Station only plays new songs

Local Performer

Why so many new songs in my station?

I have had almost none of my liked songs playing today. Nearly all of them have been new. Most of them I have disliked and have given them the thumbs down. I have spent years getting my stations the way I like them. I don’t mind a few new songs but it’s been constantly needing my attention today. Please quit messing with the algorithms!

Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@Evesemporium I took a look at your account, and the first track that played was a thumbed up track:

Screenshot 2024-11-04 at 10.01.05 AM.png

Make sure your station mode is set to My Station as pictured above in my screenshot. If you are set to a Mode such as Newly Released, then you will only hear newer tracks from the artists on your station.

You might also find the information on thread may to be helpful: Tips for creating better stations

Thanks for being a part of the community! :pandora:

Adam | Community Moderator
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New music alert! Picks of the Week (1.15.25)
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