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Station plays artists but not songs


Hi everybody. No one is going to see this. I was suggested that I try this after I left Spotify. I get on here and there are so many problems so many bugs that still haven't been fixed and someone told me that it's been 4 years since you fixed the bug the one I'm talking about is you should be able to play both the radio songs and the regular songs at the same time you can't. This is really stupid. And don't tell me it's because of the FCC rules because that's not true. I asked them and they said Pandora's always doing this and then they're making excuses that it's against FCC rules to do certain things that they just don't want to do. I would appreciate that you fix some of the bugs. Thank you other than this I love Pandora but you need to fix the bugs faster thank you

Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity

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8 Replies

On the Rise

Hey @Ejh I happen to be good friends with one of the pandora workers so I'll tell them to have a look at that @Sushilover563 

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Thank you.

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On the Rise

@Ejh if you have any questions just private message me,At @Sushilover563 

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What I'm trying to say is I have a station and I have some artists in it and some songs in it that aren't in the artists directories. It will play the artists but not the songs. That shouldn't be. It's been like that for 4 years at least. Please fix it.

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On the Rise

Oh I know what your talking about and how to fix it when click onto the song it should be a white bubble with the artist name in its click that and scroll then you will see something that says artist only will you click it it should only play songs by that artist 

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On the Rise

@Ejh if that doesn't work I don't know what will 

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No that's not what I mean. I sent you a copy of my playlist I'm talking about via private message. It has a whole bunch of artists and then a whole bunch of songs under the artists. When I shuffle it won't play the songs just the artists. Thank you so much for trying to help me. But I'm going to do what a lot of other people have been doing and that's cancel. If they don't want to fix the bugs they shouldn't have any members left 


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@Ejh I'd be happy to help with any questions you have, but I will need additional information to do so.

Can you explain your issue a bit further?

  1. What is the name of the station you are experiencing issues with?
  2. To clarify, did you add artists and songs as variety to that station, and the songs don't actually play?

The more details you're able to provide, the better equipped I'll be to help.

I look forward to hearing back.

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