I'm having the same problem with Pandora playing on a Logitech Squeezebox. Occasionally, the currently playing song ends abruptly before its over, and the next song immediately starts.
This morning it has happened 4 times since 9AM (currently its Noon).
Its quite annoying.
Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity
Hi @buy43!
I created your own post under here, since it seems this is happening on one device rather than a group.
Unfortunately, Logitech Squeezeboxes are no longer supported by Pandora, so we cannot provide any specific activation or troubleshooting steps for your device.
If your device has already been activated but isn't working, first, make sure your device has the latest firmware by checking for a new update. If an update is available, try loading Pandora again once the update is complete.
If you're still having the same problem:
If you continue to have trouble after trying these approaches, I'd recommend contacting the manufacturer directly for more help.
Same issue on my Squeezebox radio.