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Onkyo Devices: Cannot play or buffering message

Local Performer

Hello, I too am receiving a "Playback Error / Cannot play" message on the Pandora app on my Onkyo TX-RZ720. The music still plays. There were a few rare instances where this message hasn't displayed for me, but I was not able to recognize any pattern of behavior.

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6 Replies


Hi @royboyy21 welcome to community!

I can remove the Pandora app connection from your Onkyo and have you re-connect to see if that will help. If you're up for this let me know and I'll go ahead and make this change from my end.

Additionally, you could try a factory restore of your Onkyo. For specific steps on how to perform this for your device I recommend checking the user's manual.

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Local Performer

Hi Tanner,

I will get back to you about this solution, however I did make one observation. My internet connection temporarily went out, so I connected the Onkyo receiver to a hotspot temporarily. The issue seemed to go away. When my internet connection was restored, I made a new connection on my receiver to my primary internet connection once again and the issue immediately returned.

Do you believe this problem could be internet connection related? I believe it is a Spectrum cable connection. I'm pulling about 350Mbps down, 22Mbps up, with 25ms ping.

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Hi @royboyy21! Thanks for the follow up. It's odd that you'll receive the message on your primary internet connection but not with the hotspot. I haven't heard of that experience before and find it odd that the internet connection would cause the message.

Are you on a mesh network, have any type of privacy settings or network level VPN?

With this new information, the power cycle or factory reset may not help, but may still be worth trying just to see if there are any changes.

Let me know how it goes.

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Local Performer

Same issues with my onkyo txnr686... Have preformed factory reset which leads me to log back in to my Pandora account, which then the same issues returns,...any help would be appreciated... Thanx Dan

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Hi @pellchie2002!

Sounds like you've already tried all the troubleshooting steps that I could offer. I do see a new connection from early May.

The only other suggestion I can make is to manually remove the connection from your Pandora account on my end, and having you power cycle or factory restore your device again to see if that will help. If you'd like to try this, let me know.

In the meantime, I'm happy to pass this along to our engineering team for further investigation. Can you tell me a little more about your experience. Do you receive buffering or cannot play messaging immediately, or does it happen after some time? Also to confirm, does the music still play even though the message appears?

Thanks for the help.

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Local Performer

 Any update on resolving this issue. Just started to encounter this issue where sings cut out early and receive the playback error message

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