I performed the trick to Log Out of all devices. Upon doing that, I am no longer able to log back into the Pandora applet on my Onkyo receiver, due to error message "device could not be found with the given device id". Please remove the device association from my account and I will reattempt the login process afterwards.
Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity
Thanks for the quick reply, Tanner. The factory reset solved this issue...apologies I didn't think of that sooner.
Hi @al918! Welcome to community.
I checked your Pandora account and I do see that all devices had been logged out. I no longer see an Onkyo device connected to your Pandora account.
If continue to receive the error message, I recommend performing a factory reset on your Onkyo and then try again. For specific steps on how to perform a factory reset on your model, I would refer to the owners manual. I did find digital versions of user manuals available on the Onkyo website: https://www.onkyousa.com
Thanks for the quick reply, Tanner. The factory reset solved this issue...apologies I didn't think of that sooner.
No problem, @al918! Glad that it's working again. Happy Wednesday! 🎉