Does anyone know what the streaming quality for Premium on Firestick is? The support section doesn't seem to say, but it does say Apple TV is 192 kbps.
Thanks for posting to community @RF8655! 👋🏻Most home-listening devices get 128kbps - whether the account is free or paid.
I double checked and can confirm that the Amazon Firestick receives 128kbps.
Thanks for being part of community! 🎧
Excellent! Thanks much for verifying.
Thanks for posting to community @RF8655! 👋🏻Most home-listening devices get 128kbps - whether the account is free or paid.
I double checked and can confirm that the Amazon Firestick receives 128kbps.
Thanks for being part of community! 🎧
Excellent! Thanks much for verifying.
Does LG oled tv 65B9 get the same 128kbps, no matter the free, plus or premium?
Hi @LG_lasvegas! Thanks for posting.
Most home-listening devices get 128kbps - whether the account is free or paid.