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Roku: How to set-up

Local Performer

How do I find the PIN to activate Pandora on my Roku

Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity

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Hi @DocEl! Welcome to community.

After installing Pandora from the Channel Store of your Roku Device, use the following steps to activate it:

  1. Choose either option of signing into an existing account or creating a new Pandora account from the Welcome page.
    • To create a new account: Follow the on-screen prompts to enter the requested registration information and Accept the Terms to create your Pandora account.
    • To use an existing account: An activation page will appear with a website and code - leave this code up on the device screen as you continue.
  2. Enter the Activation code that appears on the Roku screen.
    • From a computer: Visit and enter the activation code that appears on your Roku screen.
    • From a mobile device: Open the Pandora app and go to Settings, then tap Device Activation and enter the code that appears on your Roku Screen.

There is also the option to type in your email address and password using your Roku remote, if you prefer.


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