Hi guys!
I actually have a couple of problems here, but the main one is that when I'm using the Pandora app on my TiVo Mini it will skip through songs rapidly before finding one that will play. I've rebooted the TiVo Mini already, though I haven't tried rebooted my modem and router for the internet, so I'm not sure if that will make a difference. And I know my internet speed is more than sufficient to stream music.
However, when I go to listen to Pandora through Chrome on my Macbook Air, it won't play at all. I turned off my ad blocker and refreshed the page, but that hasn't made a difference either.
Pandora worked perfectly for me last night, so I'm not sure what's happened since then to cause these problems.
Any and all help is appreciated!
Hi @jenniamysuzy! Thanks for posting. Sorry to hear this is happening.
If you haven't already, I would recommend rebooting your modem and router. It doesn't hurt and we can check that off the troubleshooting check list.
Are you able to delete Pandora and reinstall it on your Tivo mini? If you can, I would also try that.
I can also remove the device association with your account, and we can run through the set-up process once more.
Let me know if you're interested in removing your device association.
For your computer, can you tell me a little bit more about what is happening?
In the meantime, I would recommend trying these troubleshooting steps for Chrome.
Hi @jenniamysuzy! Thanks for posting. Sorry to hear this is happening.
If you haven't already, I would recommend rebooting your modem and router. It doesn't hurt and we can check that off the troubleshooting check list.
Are you able to delete Pandora and reinstall it on your Tivo mini? If you can, I would also try that.
I can also remove the device association with your account, and we can run through the set-up process once more.
Let me know if you're interested in removing your device association.
For your computer, can you tell me a little bit more about what is happening?
In the meantime, I would recommend trying these troubleshooting steps for Chrome.
I did try rebooting both my modem and router (I work for my local cable/internet company so I went through all our normal troubleshooting steps shortly after I posted originally).
For whatever reason, everything seemed to start working on its own. I was able to listen on my Mac through Chrome last night with no issues, and so far it's working on my TiVo Mini with no issues.
Thank you for your help, though!
Glad to hear it, @jenniamysuzy! 🎉 If you run into trouble in the future, feel free to post again.
Happy Friday!
I have Comcast cable TV and I access the Pandora app through TIVO to play music. About 3 weeks ago the Pandora music started skipping.
@chebert1 I moved your post over to this existing thread: Songs Skip Through Rapidly on TiVo
Rebooting their modem and router seems to have helped another user who reported the same issue previously.
I would recommend rebooting your modem and router if you haven't already done so as well.
Let me know how it goes.
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