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Ad Feedback - Health Ads

Local Performer

does anyone else want to kill themselves from all these skizophrenia adds ?

the only add I get is for schizophrenia, did Pandora buy my medical records? cause I am the Messiah who ever did this is **ahem**ED! 😛 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

I'm glad you wrote to us about this. We definitely didn't mean to upset or offend you.

Perhaps the best place to start is to tell you that, like virtually all media outlets, the advertising content on Pandora does not represent an endorsement of any kind on our part. We realize the prominent placement of many of our ads may give the impression that Pandora somehow endorses the product, issue, candidate etc., but we do not.

I do apologize that this has made for an unpleasant listening experience. Unfortunately, we're not able to stop these ads from playing. We hope you understand that occasionally there will be ads delivered to a wide audience at the request of the advertiser that may not be relevant or desirable for each listener who receives them.

We recognize that certain material is sensitive ground, and we do our best to balance the needs of our company with the listening experience. Sorry to hear we've missed the mark - I've noted your thoughts about this campaign.

Thanks again for taking time out of your day to write to us. We really appreciate hearing from you.

Adam | Community Moderator
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[I found this thread by googling "why does pandora play so many schizophrenia ads"] 

Yes, playing ads that are stupid and/or annoying cannot be good for your business.

When an ad comes on that is not annoying and seems to be just 15 seconds long, I'm happy to let it play and sometimes I'll check out the product, but when it repeats something annoying (endless ads about schizophrenia.. **ahem**??) I can hit MUTE in less than 3 seconds and I often forget to unmute, missing the next 10 ads that your advertisers are paying for. When you play an ad that is super freaking Loud, I shut you down instantly. And why do you keep playing inappropriate ED ads with some idiotic moaning porn star when I'm playing music for my little daughter?? If you want to target ads, why not ask me my interests rather than guessing so wrong? Pay attention to the Quality of your ads. Tell your advertisers, if you don't behave like an **ahem** then people will actually listen pretty happily for 15 seconds. 


Local Performer

So are Pandora's extremely repetitive, annoying, borderline offensive ads a ploy to get people to get so fed up they subscribe? What you're doing is actually alienating your customer base. I hear 4-5 ads telling me to get checked for schizophrenia every time I listen to Pandora. My mental health is phenomenal, though it's none of your business. Do you not think that's offensive?

Local Performer

i love pandora, but i keep getting commercials for schizophrenia over, and over, endlessly. is there a way to turn off just that ad, or adds like it? i don't mind ads, but if i didn't have a mental illness before hearing that ad. hearing it repeated endlessly surely will.

Local Performer

oh my God!  same issue!   I can tolerate ads, but this repetitive schizo ad is overwhelming.   I just want it to stop or at least mix it up some.   I can't find a way to "turn off ads like this".   If anyone has a work around, let me know.   I may just have to move over to spotify.

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Local Performer

I know I can upgrade to get rid of ads. Normally I don't mind ads. And I'm not speaking pro or anti vaccine, I just want to check out of the mess of a world and listen to music without having to deal with anything covid related. But I'm hammered with vaccine ads. 

Please for the love of God, keep politics, and controversial topics away from Pandora!

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Local Performer

Can we not have ads about schizophrenia? Like that kinda rude, I dont want to be chilling and listening to music and then be reminded of lifes **ahem** roll of a mental state I got. 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

I'm glad you wrote to us about this. We definitely didn't mean to upset or offend you.

Perhaps the best place to start is to tell you that, like virtually all media outlets, the advertising content on Pandora does not represent an endorsement of any kind on our part. We realize the prominent placement of many of our ads may give the impression that Pandora somehow endorses the product, issue, candidate etc., but we do not.

I do apologize that this has made for an unpleasant listening experience. Unfortunately, we're not able to stop these ads from playing. We hope you understand that occasionally there will be ads delivered to a wide audience at the request of the advertiser that may not be relevant or desirable for each listener who receives them.

We recognize that certain material is sensitive ground, and we do our best to balance the needs of our company with the listening experience. Sorry to hear we've missed the mark - I've noted your thoughts about this campaign.

Thanks again for taking time out of your day to write to us. We really appreciate hearing from you.

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

Same here. We should have the option to block or report certain ads that go against our believes. I wouldn’t want to hear or watch anything to do with PlanParenthood and abortions. It’s within my free rights. 

Local Performer

That's a cheap cop out of I've ever heard one. As a business you can chose which ads to allow and which ones that aren't allowed. It's more likely that this is a predatory business strategy, to annoy your users till they sign up for a subscription to avoid being beaten over the head with advertiments of an inflammatory subject.

However, you're just as likely to lose subscribers as you are to gain them. I for one cancelled my subscription after hearing anti-law enforcement advertisements. I won't pay for a service who advertises as such. Regardless of what any of our personal and political beliefs, this should be a safe place for us to come and focus or relax, not be spurned by some random advertisement that this company should obviously evaluate before giving it a soapbox to stand on.


To reiterate, Pandora is more than capavle of evaluating the advertisements they allow , and should deny any that might be considered inflammatory.

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Local Performer

Can we move on from the COVID ad with Chayanne, Hearing it every 10-15 minutes everyday has gotten really old.

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Local Performer

If the vaccines are killing people, which they are. They are responsible for 900,000 excess deaths. They have done more damage to our military than any war has since ww1! People who had their life’s cut short because of a toxic experimental shot. Most forced to because they believed they would loose their jobs.   It doesn’t matter what immunity big pharma has from litigation. This will fall under the The Nuremberg code, crimes  against humanity. They will be held accountable! This includes media, governments and doctors, hospitals. Anyone who continues to push this clot-shot will have an unpleasant future. Pandora can choose what ads to run. So why would you continue trying too convince children and their parents to get jabbed! It’s so evil and disgusting! I couldn’t believe the ad about, “ it’s okay to change “ change your mind and get vaccinated… **ahem**? Nobody actually died from covid but everyone is from these shots. How is pandora ok with this???

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Local Performer

May you please stop giving me ads about schiscofernia and medical insurance. I have a very bad experience with being misdiagnosed with schiscophernia thanks

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Local Performer

I am absolutely appalled that Pandora is pushing COVID vaccines for children in their ad content: "Ms. So & So is going to tell us why she chose to get her daughter the COVID vaccine..." Horrible. I've been listening to Pandora for years, but based on the left-liberal trend of their ad content, I can no longer do so. 

Local Performer

 You know , of all the things besides any station pushing a religious ad, it’s vaccine ads that we don’t need. People are being bombarded from all sides and being pushed towards doing things they don’t want to do, now they have to hear about vaccine ads. Nobody wants to hear that, especially in the middle of trying to hear some good music, then you get bombarded with vaccine ads about how some mom feels like she has to do the right thing for her daughter. How about we stick to advertising for things that should be advertised, like homeless, or well researched charities, or the lake. Nobody wants vaccine ads thrown in their face. If I have to keep listening to it, I’ll be dumping Pandora altogether. Free or not we deal with enough of that stuff in every day life, I don’t need to hear it in the middle of a good block of songs

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Local Performer

Seriously Pandora, by allowing the Advertisements to air on your platform you ARE endorsing the issues. Most media platforms actively encourage engagement with their customers to tailor advertisements of products and issues that relate to them in order to sell more. Why are you intentionally alienating your client base? Your advertisers would pay more if they had feedback and data from your users. I would much rather listen to an ad for a product I would like to purchase than listen to medical garbage about schizophrenia, erectile dysfunction, and COVID vaccinations for children. If I can thumbs down a song, I can thumbs down an ad. 

DO BETTER Pandora.

Local Performer

1000% agree!!!!!  Frustrating beyond belief, so much so that it caused to me search and find this thread!  Pandora, STOP PLAYING ADS PUSHING THE COVID VACCINE!!  None of your business and it angers me to no end to have my child come question me about getting vaccines after listening.  I will no longer allow my children to listen to Pandora and every time the add plays, which is ALL of the time, it causes me to stop in my tracks and shut it off.  Completely ruins my listening experience and leaves me PO'd.  


It's just as bad now in 2023 with Multiple Sclerosis meds.

Pandora, you CAN do better.  Don't tell us you can't.  That is an ABSOLUTE lie.  Only play medication ads to those who have searched for that illness multiple times and/or are in groups on social media for it.

It is a waste of the advertisers money marketing multiple sclerosis meds to people who will NEVER use it as we do not HAVE it.

I, on the other hand, am in multiple groups for Type 1 Diabetes (no, not Type 2, TYPE ONE) and so advertising for/from insulin companies or CGM and pump companies would make SENSE.

Fix this.  Because YES, you can.  You just, up until recently have REFUSED.  And that just shows how callous a company you are.



Local Performer

No. It would be within your rights to change the station, subscribe so you don’t have to hear commercials anymore or stop listening to Pandora. It’s not within your rights to tell them to stop sharing information that you personally find offensive even though it’s actually very positive information for women’s health.

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Local Performer

Normally I don't mind ads. But Pandora has chosen to advertise only pro-vaccine ads and only pro-Biden ads etc. Music is a place of peace. I am not interested in Pandora's opinion on the people's choice. I just want to enjoy music from a great platform without being forced to listen to anything covid related or political-related. 

Please, please, please, keep politics, and controversial topics away from Pandora!