That's a cheap cop out of I've ever heard one. As a business you can chose which ads to allow and which ones that aren't allowed. It's more likely that this is a predatory business strategy, to annoy your users till they sign up for a subscription to avoid being beaten over the head with advertiments of an inflammatory subject. However, you're just as likely to lose subscribers as you are to gain them. I for one cancelled my subscription after hearing anti-law enforcement advertisements. I won't pay for a service who advertises as such. Regardless of what any of our personal and political beliefs, this should be a safe place for us to come and focus or relax, not be spurned by some random advertisement that this company should obviously evaluate before giving it a soapbox to stand on. To reiterate, Pandora is more than capavle of evaluating the advertisements they allow , and should deny any that might be considered inflammatory.
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