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Ad Feedback - Spanish Ads

Local Performer

This is very annoying. Apparently Pandora has more Spanish speaking listeners in my area than English. I get. Orr Spanish ads than English. 

that balcony about the ad operations team working on a solution. I have a solution - cut down the number of Spanish speaking ads. 

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251 Replies

Local Performer

Amen. Same problem here.

Local Performer

I also have this same issue. I do not speak Spanish and I have back to back Spanish ads that play on my pandora lists. I don't even listen to Spanish or Mexican music because I don't understand it. Can we remove this option from the S24 Ultra? There should be an option for choice of language and in that case I'd like my ads in Navajo.


There should be a better way to report unwanted Spanish ads.  My zipcode has many Spanish speakers, but most of them speak English better.   My solution is to change my zipcode. hope that works.

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Here here. Zipcode is a terrible indicator of someone’s preferred language.
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I received an ad in Spanish. I was listening to a station called 70s, 80s, 90s Hits Radio on Pandora at 16:14 on 5/28/24.


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Local Performer

I constantly get Spanish ads. Nearly every ad is Spanish. This solution is stupid. Just have a frickin language preference and base ads off of that! 

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Local Performer

These Spanish speaking ads really ruin Pandora for me. ALSO a lot of them I can't even skip! It's like they freeze my whole Pandora app! I'm going back to Spotify until they have an option to turn Spanish ads off

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Local Performer

Please advise how you are supposed to send a screenshot of annoying spanish ad if it doesn't even load... Ridiculous 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@annml0730 I'd be happy to help with any questions you have, but I will need additional information to do so.

Can you explain your issue a bit further?

What do you mean when you say the ad doesn't load?

The more details you're able to provide, the better equipped I'll be to help.

I look forward to hearing back.

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Local Performer

You request screenshots but whenever you go into the app the screen is black so you have no idea what the ad is or if it's in spanish lol. 

setting my location seemed to help. 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@annml0730 Thanks for following up and clarifying.

If any other Spanish ads play on your account, please make note of:

  • the date/time the Spanish ad played
  • the name of the station you were listening to
  • the name of the brand being advertised (if you are able to make that out)

Thanks for working with me on this.

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Casual Fan

Please stop with the Spanish ads.  I just turn the channel asap.  Don't understand any Spanish and don't want to hear it.   The people paying for these ads are wasting their money.

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