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Ad Feedback - Spanish Ads

Local Performer

This is very annoying. Apparently Pandora has more Spanish speaking listeners in my area than English. I get. Orr Spanish ads than English. 

that balcony about the ad operations team working on a solution. I have a solution - cut down the number of Spanish speaking ads. 

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259 Replies

Local Performer

I agree. Changing zip codes has worked. I think I will change it up
occasionally to see what is going on in other parts of the country.

Thanks, Pat Massey

mod edit: removed personal info

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Local Performer


~Will Walton
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Local Performer

what zip code did you use?

Local Performer

How about if you just have a toggle switch to shut off other language adds that will give the listeners the option to have or not have the adds 

Local Performer

Thanks for posting, that's what I'm going to do.

0 Kudos

Local Performer

That’s pretty easy… is it English speaking music? FFS.

Local Performer

I'm not bothered by the Spanish, but more bothered by the fact that it is the same Spanish ad over and over.  I know now that a posada is not a posada without music.  This is a strange ad because it is actually in English about a Mexican tradition.  Though I had to look up what a posada was and learned I was misspelling it, but that made the ad more interesting.  It does help me learn some Spanish, but I just think it is a waste of money for the advertisers who are paying to advertise to a number of people but are getting non-Spanish speaking people.  Just have a setting for the account of what language you speak.  It is not a difficult problem to fix.  

Local Performer

Ouch, ouch I keep trying Pandora but I guess it's back to Spotify again

0 Kudos


It's weird that so many people are angry about this. Personally, I find it amusing that Pandora assumes I understand Spanish. Plus, it makes it so much easier to not pay attention to the ads! Also, does anyone actually think they AREN'T trying to fix the "problem"? Like, what do they stand to gain by showing you an ad that you can't understand? (The answer is nothing.) The whole point of an advertisement is to get you to buy sh*t.


Your response was in July that your team was working on it... it's January 2022. I'm not racist - I just don't speak Spanish. How about an option when an ad plays that has "I don't speak Spanish" or since we have to sign in, add the option: English or Spanish.  It's simple.

Local Performer

That would be great! 

This appears to be getting worse.  It is very frustrating to hear ads in a language that I do not understand.   I do not listen to Spanish music and would greatly appreciate being able to stop the Spanish advertisements.

Moderator Edit: Merged comments

Opening Act

It's very different listening to Spanish music vs listening to Spanish ads. If the language were Chinese or Russian would you have the same response?

0 Kudos


Oh dear, NavyNate - are you trying to turn this into a race issue? No need for games.

If I were the advertiser, paying to get my message in front of potential customers, I would not be pleased to pay for my message to be put to anyone that doesn't speak the language of the ad.  Again, this is simple.

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Local Performer

Remove the spanish ads -  annoying af!!!

Moderator Edit: Format

Local Performer

About to delete Pandora and go to Spotify where I don't have Spanish ads every time I listen!


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***** READ THIS *****  Change your zip code to a different location.  I live in NYC metro area and used Bluffton, SC 29910.  I haven't had a Spanish speaking commercial since my original post in October 2021.  Sure I get commercials for Bluffton but they are in English.  Pandora stated earlier that they base their ads on your geographic location and not your preferred language.  What's sad is that this trend to force Spanish commercials on various television channels now.  

Opening Act

Whoa, there, ssilvest, no need to be a racist. Your brain going to racism says a lot more about you than it does about me.

My point is that you are basically saying "deal with it," but if you had to deal with listening to ads in some super random language you weren't familiar with, you'd be annoyed too. 

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Yeah, I would. It doesn't matter what language, if I don't understand it, it would be annoying. I didn't get that from your first message.


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Here’s a solution and it’s pretty dang easy. How about you only play Spanish speaking Ads on stations that only play Spanish-speaking songs.  

I only speak English, so naturally I only listen to stations and songs that speak English.  Imagine the reverse is true for a Spanish speaker.

No one truly likes commercials especially when they’re in a language you don’t even understand.


Then again maybe this is a Pandora ploy to get you to buy the premium service.