mod edit: changing title for clarity
@Racingirl954 I moved your post to this thread to keep the community tidy.
It looks like there is a link provided in the image you sent over to redeem. I recommend following that link, as it should redirect you to a page where you can redeem the promotion that was offered to you.
If you run into any trouble with this, you will need to reach out directly to JLab Audio, as they should be able to provide you with an actual code for the 90-day offer.
@shawnzmarkley If this is the same promotion you were offered, I recommend following that same link
@Racingirl954 provided in their screenshot above.
Hope this helps!
Hi @shawnzmarkley can you send over a screenshot or picture of the promo offer you received from JLABAUDIO?
I have recently purchased a wirwireless Bluetooth, I am attaching a pic could you please apply to my account.. Thank you kindly.. @Tanner65
@Racingirl954 I moved your post to this thread to keep the community tidy.
It looks like there is a link provided in the image you sent over to redeem. I recommend following that link, as it should redirect you to a page where you can redeem the promotion that was offered to you.
If you run into any trouble with this, you will need to reach out directly to JLab Audio, as they should be able to provide you with an actual code for the 90-day offer.
@shawnzmarkley If this is the same promotion you were offered, I recommend following that same link
@Racingirl954 provided in their screenshot above.
Hope this helps!
Where do I use a promo code and how do I find it and activate it
@Gregoryl Nice to see you around the Community.
To redeem any promo code you received, visit the Pandora website.
Please note that we require payment information to begin a trial of Pandora Plus, Premium or Premium Family. That's because it helps us to provide a smooth transition for those who enjoy the trial and want to continue the service, but it's also a common practice among many online subscription services.
To see if you're eligible for any free trials, you can visit this page. (I'd recommend doing that from a computer rather than a mobile device, if you have the option.)
You can also always contact our support team through our help page so they can take a closer look at your account, and verify what trials you are eligible for.
Hope this helps!