This seems to be when not on wifi. I've deleted and reinstalled, restarted the iPhone IOS 14.2, iPhone 8. Some stations play 2-3 songs but no more. It will play if I changed the station but then only one song regardless of what station.
Please advise.
Hi there, @mwelsh705. 👋
Sorry to hear that you're having trouble listening.
Could you tell me a bit more about what is happening?
Device Details:
Would you also mind providing more details in case I need to share this information with our engineers?
Thanks so much for your help with this! 🎧
Hi there, @mwelsh705. 👋
Sorry to hear that you're having trouble listening.
Could you tell me a bit more about what is happening?
Device Details:
Would you also mind providing more details in case I need to share this information with our engineers?
Thanks so much for your help with this! 🎧
I too am having this issue.
*No error message. It plays one song, then no sound. The app appears to be continuing to play, but no sound either over bluetooth or phone speaker.
*happens when I am using other apps or alone
*carrier is Sprint
*Pandora version 2011.1
*on Cellular data when this happens.
Thank you for your assistance.
Carrier is T-Mobile
Version 2012.1
Happens on both but much more common on data. I also just turned "off" audio quality pandora and that seemed to help a lot. But still occasionally happens.
Happens when it's the only thing running as well as even just have texts up.
@mwelsh705 @jmkushner74 Thank you both for providing these helpful details.
I've gone ahead and created an internal ticket with our engineering team so that they can investigate what is happening.
Appreciate your patience while they look into this. If you notice any other patterns, please don't hesitate to let me know. 🎧
Been using Pandora Premium for a few years but lately it's pretty much unusable. It plays one song (sometimes 2 or 3 or 4), but then it gets to the end of the song, and it does not go to the next song. If I press the forward arrows it still does not go to next song. I have to close Pandora & start again and it plays the next song - but then it still only plays that one song. There is no error code. Not very convenient. Reminds me of putting a single record on an old 78 rpm turntable!
What the heck is going on?
Just seeing this after I posted the same issue. Seems to be a NEW issue, since this was not happening early in the year. Server have Covid? 🙂
Hi, @gpw. 👋
Sorry to hear that you're having trouble listening from your iOS device. I moved your post over to this existing thread as I see you've commented on it as well: Pandora stops after one song on iPhone 8
I’ve enabled a trace on your account to help us better understand what’s happening. For this trace to be useful, we’ll need you to run through our troubleshooting steps.
First, I recommend rebooting the device by shutting it down entirely, then turning it back on and trying Pandora again.
If you're still having issues, try uninstalling and reinstalling the app (not to worry, we'll keep track of your profile and collection for you).* To do that:
Let me know how it goes, and whether this helps. 🎧
*Please note: Pandora Premium and Premium Family listeners may need to re-download some of their offline content after reinstalling the app. Pandora Plus users, however, should receive that offline content again automatically. If you have any trouble with your offline stations after reinstalling, please let us know.
I have been having the same problem, listening from iphone. Any help appreciated!
@dianerunnels I moved your post over to the iOS space.
Could you tell me a bit more about what is happening?
In the meantime, let's also try some troubleshooting steps to see if we can resolve the issue.
First, I recommend rebooting the device by shutting it down entirely, then turning it back on and trying Pandora again.
If you're still having issues, try uninstalling and reinstalling the app (not to worry, we'll keep track of your profile and collection for you).* To do that:
*Please note: Pandora Premium and Premium Family listeners may need to re-download some of their offline content after reinstalling the app. Pandora Plus users, however, should receive that offline content again automatically. If you have any trouble with your offline stations after reinstalling, please let us know.
Thanks for working with me on this. 🤝