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RESOLVED 4/1/21: iOS - Profiles don't load in Find Friends menu

Local Performer

I can’t follow anyone. It says type the email and I do that but nothing happens. It doesn’t search or find anyone. I tried to follow my wife, I know she has an account because we are on a family plan. I type her email and I get nothing.


mod edit: changed title for clarity

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41 Replies

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @Jenndavis77. 👋

To keep the community space tidy, I moved your post over to this existing thread: iOS: Profiles don't load in Find Friends menu

Our engineering team is aware of this issue and they're working on it. I've shared your feedback with them. Any updates on this issue will be posted in this thread.


In the meantime, I would recommend upvoting this existing feature suggestion as it sounds like you'd want to see the Feed feature return here: Add Feed back to the Pandora app

To upvote a feature suggestion, click on the 💙icon next to the title of the idea to express your interest. 

I hope this information is helpful. 🎧

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Local Performer

Not working AGAIN.  Why does this keep happening? 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @J_Law22. 👋

Thanks so much for posting about this. I understand how frustrating this can be.

Your post was moved to this existing thread to keep everything organized: iOS: Profiles don't load in Find Friends menu

Our engineering team is aware of this issue and they're working on it. I've shared your experience with them. Updates on this issue will be posted in this thread. 🎧

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Opening Act

Hi-while I hate to be “that” person, I reported this issue on 1/24 for the second time since Sept. It’s now 2/6 and the bug still hasn't been resolved. I see where plenty of other listeners are also experiencing this lack of functionality. I’m not sure about them, but I am a paid subscriber, but am growing increasingly weary of this type of situation. While I’m not an app designer, I honestly cannot fathom why such a basic feature that is so desired by your customers and so readily available elsewhere is so dicey on this app. And, apparently, so insanely complicated and difficult to maintain. I do appreciate your ready responses advising it’s been brought to the attention of those who can provide resolution, or even that it’s being “worked on,” but, to have actually had the issue corrected before another two weeks go by and to feel like an actually valued subscriber would be far preferable, tbh. I sincerely hope this will be fixed soon since I do otherwise enjoy Pandora but will have to use another app if this one cannot work properly.


This has been an on-going issue now for several weeks. If you’re engineering team STILL cannot figure out how to fix it then you should hire new ones!! This is ridiculous! 

Local Performer

Find Friends stopped working on my iPhone again too. I just wanted to be counted. Have a good one.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @Brett78374. 👋

Thanks so much for letting us know about this. I've shared your info with our engineering team. While I don't have an ETA of when this will be fixed, rest assured our engineering team is working on this. Any updates on this issue will be posted on this thread.

Thanks again, and we appreciate your patience during this process. 🎧

Alyssa | Community Manager
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I am having the same issue I think, message “something has gone wrong” pops up when I tap in find friends to type in email. I’ve never had this issue prior..


This issue should not take a year to figure out & fix. I pay over $100 a year to have some mystery listeners always listening to my account when I want to listen to my account & I haven’t been able to find friends for months. This is unacceptable. Find new developers who know how to fix this simple issue ASAP or else I’m canceling my subscription & advising everyone I know to do the same.

#cantfindfriends  #findbetterdevelopers #fixthisshiznow

Opening Act

My feelings exactly. At a time when people are seeking and needing virtual connection more than ever, this seems inexplicable. I’m not seeing much concern for their loyal listeners. 

Local Performer

When I search for a friend, an error message appears and say something went wrong. How can we solve the issue.

Regards, Thomas Paulovich

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi there, @ThomasP1998. 👋

Sorry to hear that you're running into this issue as well. To keep everything organized, I moved your post over to this existing thread: iOS: Profiles don't load in Find Friends menu

Our engineering team working on this. At this time, I do not have an exact ETA of when this will be fixed. Rest assured, they are aware of the error message when attempting to "Find Friends" as well as the feedback on this thread.

Thanks so much for your patience while they work on this. 🎧

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Opening Act

Any updates, @AlyssaPandora? This seems to be taking forever. Did this issue fall through the cracks or get placed on a back burner? I don’t get it.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Pandora Update (03/04/2021): Thanks so much for your screenshots, feedback, and device details. We know that many of you enjoy this feature. In the meantime, any updates that we receive from our engineering team about this issue will be posted on this thread. 

We appreciate your patience during this process. 🛠

Alyssa | Community Manager
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How much longer until “finds friends” is fixed?? It’s been 3 months now!

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Opening Act

Just on a crazy whim, I thought I’d try to see if I could finally find my friends via my Pandora app. Nope. Next, I thought to pop over here to see if there were any updates. Again, nope. Then, I thought to look at the date of the above comment asking me to check back here for updates.1/29. Today’s 3/13. Wow. So, for all intents and purposes, social connection seems to no longer be an available feature of Pandora. If this is the case, please be transparent  about it. If it’s nearing a fix, it would be good to know that, too. At this point, months later, I don’t even know if this is a bug that needs to be fixed on my individual account or if it’s a platform-wide issue. Some kind of update is definitely needed here.

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Opening Act

@AlyssaPandora — checking back again. Any info would be helpful at this point. Thanks.

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Local Performer

I have been going back and forth through emails with support. It sounds like Pandora is aware of the issue, so I am hoping that you can provide support and escalate me to your engineering team as well. Support is telling me to do everything I have already tried over and over again. It sounds like this has been a known issue for like a year?

Here are the answer to the questions you have asked everyone else:


Model: iPhone Pro 11 Max
Carrier: Verizon (have tried on multiple wifi networks as well as using only cellular.)
Pandora version (Go to Profile, then select Settings. Scroll to the bottom of the screen for the version number): Version 2102.1.

Model: iPad Air 4th Generation
Carrier: WiFi Only
Pandora version (Go to Profile, then select Settings. Scroll to the bottom of the screen for the version number): Version 2102.1

Models: HP Envy X360 (newest model running windows 10) and Dell Latitude (windows 10)
Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer
Pandora version none
Also attempted on windows app
On the IOS devices: it says I am connected in privacy section of settings. Shows my FB profile pic. When I click on following or followers, it says zero, and when I click find friends, it says that "sorry looks like something has gone wrong and links to site. I click on the link and it takes me to site within app. When I am in there and login, it lists Pandora subscription options. Unfortunately, while trying to disconnect, reconnect, delete apps, etc, I ended up paying $12 for a subscription to premium I was previously paying $9 for. And it charged me for the 12 while I had already paid for the month. So now I have paid over $20 this month for an app that isn't even allowing me to use the features it advertises and the support team has not addressed my concerns over this in any email.


When I access on a PC using a browser or an app, it won't even show I am connected, and the option is not available to "find friends".


I have recommended support look into a couple of things: am I logged into Pandora on any old devices? Is Pandora confused with my account? I have had multiple emails, used on many devices, etc, because I have had Pandora Premium for many years. Can Pandora Engineers reset account entirely? Log me out of everywhere. Ensure all settings are set to default. Compare my older account with a newer account and look at every single setting to see where there may be a difference? I feel like it could be an issue with older accounts. I am more than happy to sit on the phone with a Pandora Engineer and test. If all else fails, Pandora should save all of my music preferences, stations, and playlists, and delete my account entirely. Ensure I am completely logged out, and then create a new account and transfer all of the preferences, playlists, and station data to my new account.


I am more than willing to work with you here. I enjoy Pandora and it is my music app of choice. But I am not going wait for more than a year like others in this forum have done. I am also going to copy and paste this into the IOS forum outlining the exact same issue. I have tried it accross several platforms and under many circumstances, and based on the amount of both android and IOS customers experiencing this issue, the problem is not device, version, platform, or browser specific.

Also, I do need someone to check into the extra charge and increased monthly amount. Please address this or have the support person I am going back and forth with address it.


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Local Performer

I have been trying to post this and was having a difficult time as I copied it to enter to a different thread - it copied it as HTML, so wouldn't let me post. I realized that so posted as plain text. This may not be where it should be posted. Feel free to move it. Just please help me. This is very frustrating. In the other forums, people have been trying to get help for like a year. Why are these threads marked as solved when they so clearly are not??

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Local Performer

I just signed up for Pandora and i’m having the same issue. It allows me to type the email but won’t show facebook friends and even with the email once you press search it takes you nowhere. There’s an error page that says there’s a problem and to login to Pandora online but it does nothing to help. 

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