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iOS: Premium Access Temporary Limit

Local Performer

I’ve had a temporary limit for over a week, how long does it last?


mod edit: changed title for clarity

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3 Replies

Pandora Moderator - Emeritus
Pandora Moderator - Emeritus

Hi @Aidan2 👋

Welcome to the Community and thanks for your post.

Could you tell me a bit more about what is happening? Are you listening to Pandora on a computer or on a device?

  1. If you are on a computer, are you listening from:
    • A Mac or Windows computer?
    • Our website, or the desktop app? If you're listening from our website, what browser are you using?
  2. If you are on a device, what is the make and model (and carrier, if applicable)?
  3. Can you provide me with a screenshot of what you're seeing? (If you're not sure how to take a screenshot, just let me know and I'll be happy to provide you with some additional steps.)

Let me know.

Gerald | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

I click on music and it says I have a temporary limit 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @Carson1. 👋

Due to licensing restrictions, we have to limit the number of Premium Access sessions per person.
If you're hitting a limit, it means you've used quite a few of these sessions lately. We appreciate you taking advantage of Premium Access to listen to content on-demand. 

If you'd like to see if you're eligible for a longer trial or upgrade to Premium, visit our website.

I would recommend upvoting this existing suggestion: Ideas: Disable Premium Access Limitations

To upvote this idea, click on the 💙 icon next to the title of the idea. For more information about how ideas work on the Pandora Community, check out our: Idea Policy + FAQs

Thanks for your understanding. 🎧

Alyssa | Community Manager
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