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iOS: Siri Voice Command Issues


I have a station called Relaxation.  Recently one showed up called Classical Relaxation.

A problem since iOS 16.4.1 is the Siri shortcut doesn’t always play music on Relaxation station like it used to.  It will pause.

Another problem is I say play relaxation radio on Pandora and it plays the. Classical relaxation station.

I have tried deleting shortcuts and deleting the Classical Relaxation station but it keeps coming back.

Any suggestions?

Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity

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10 Replies

Community Manager
Community Manager

@zitsky Nice to see you around the Community.

I'm happy to help look into this.

Playback stops:

Can you please provide me with a little more information about what is happening?

  • Does the music only pause on your iPhone? Or does it also pause on other devices?
  • When the music is paused, does the timer on the now playing screen still move? Or does the app completely pause, and you have to press the play button again to get the music going?

Let me know.


Relaxation vs. Classical Relaxation station with Siri:

Can you please let us know the exact voice command you use with Siri when attempting to listen to your Relaxation station?

Also, have you already deleted all of the shortcuts you created with Siri for Pandora?

Thanks for working with me on this.

Adam | Community Moderator
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I’m frustrated.

You want me to delete all Siri Shortcuts to fix this problem?

I’ve never heard of the station Classical Relaxation until 3 weeks ago.

I only care about iPhone.


If I say HEY SIRI PLAY RELAXATION RADIO (SHORTCUT) it says that's done and
music does not play.

I have deleted and recreated Siri Shortcuts again and again and again.

This problem only started 3 weeks ago with Classical Relaxation Radio.

Yes I’ve deleted that station and it keeps coming back.

mod edit: removed personal information and format

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Hello @zitsky! Thank you for your reply, this is helpful information as we take a closer look into what may be happening.

Please note, no one instructed you to delete your shortcuts. @AdamPandora asked if you had deleted your shortcuts since this was mentioned in your first message to us. Often, clarifying questions are necessary to help us understand your exact experience and help us better investigate and offer troubleshooting steps.

Based on your reply, I am doubtful that any troubleshooting steps that I can offer will help to resolve this issue for you. I've gone ahead and enabled a trace on your account and passed your information along to our engineering team to further investigate your experience.

We appreciate your patience in the meantime.



Tanner | Community Moderator

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Do new stations get added often? Stations with a similar name?

I used this system and procedure for a year before seeing this CLASSICAL

mod edit: removed personal information (email signature)

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Hi  @zitsky 

Taking a closer look at your account, I see 'Classical Relaxation Radio' was first added to your collection on 8/6/2022. If you often use Siri to listen to Pandora stations, one explanation could be that Siri may have misheard and started the wrong station by mistake. It could have been an transitory event, do you have any other unrecognizable stations in your list?

Just so you are aware, I have since removed 'Classical Relaxation Radio' station from your collection and currently don't see it in your station list. Let me know if you continue to see the station on your iOS device.

It looks like you listened to 'Relaxation Radio' today, did you have any trouble with Siri shortcuts or voice commands?


Tanner | Community Moderator

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I do appreciate the response. And I know this could be Siri. I noticed this recently with iOS 16.4.1 but was it because of that I don’t know.

If you or I delete RELAXATION RADIO and I ask Siri to play it, it just recreates CLASSICAL RELAXATION RADIO. It did that maybe 20 minutes ago.

Sometime last year I had trouble playing a station BAROQUE I think and I had to say CLASSICAL BAROQUE or something like that. I mean Siri.

mod edit: removed personal information (email address + phone number)

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Hi @zitsky!

After a deep dive into the trace logs this morning I believe I see what happened. There was a recent update to the Relaxation Station that doesn't appear to have updated on your account. I've made a small change and this should now be resolved. Please note that the name of the station has been updated to Relaxing Radio. I've also gone ahead and removed the Classical Relaxation Radio from your account again, it should not reappear.

Please try using Siri again but be sure to use Relaxing Radio in your voice command.


Tanner | Community Moderator

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Siri just doesn’t work well. It used to. I’m trying HEY PANDORA also.

Here’s what happens. I say Hey Siri play Billy Idol. It plays. Then i say Hey Siri play Relaxing Radio. It says PLAYING BILLY IDOL or whatever was playing. HEY PANDORA is not perfect but I’ll try that.
 mod edit: removed personal information 



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@zitsky Darn, really hoped that station update from our end would have helped.

Unfortunately, since Siri is a 3rd party application, I've reached the limits of my investigation. I've updated the previously mentioned ticket with your current experience with Siri and noted the station update did not resolve the issue for you, the requested station still does not play.

Feel free to let us know if you have any updates or changes in your experience with Siri. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience.

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Can I ask another question?

Can RELAXING RADIO in my app be renamed to something else? Is it a genre

I have access to multiple computers and devices with multiple operating
systems. Apple, Windows, Android tablet if needed to launch the app.

If not can I create something similar that I CAN rename starting with that
RELAXING station? Like Bob’s Radio that Siri might find less confusing?

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