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iOS: Tracks skip when phone screen is locked while in Offline Mode


I agree, it shouldn’t be this way, we pay for premium and  can’t even utilize the off line/downloading features that we need and are paying for. SMH. Probably Apples fault, causing more issues every update it seems.

Any compensation yet? I’m in the exact same boat STILL, months later.

Holy * this issue has been going on a year with no results?!

Moderator Edit: Merged posts and title for clarity

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3 Replies


Hi @tfazio93 

Welcome to community!

I created a new thread since you mentioned in your post that you can't listen while in offline mode. While this is similar to the previous thread it's a slightly different experience.

I've escalated your post to our Pandora Care team for further assistance. They will respond via the email associated with your Pandora account. Please be on the look out for their reply.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime.

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Does anyone know if Pandora can prorate a subscription cancellation. Upset I’m having issues downloading a station or playlist for offline use, the main reason I got premium family, so we can all listen when we have no service. But I can’t fully download my playlists they keep coming up short of actually fully downloading. This makes me angry because this issue has been posted with no real results with the answers provided multiple times. I just want to use the features I’m paying for, or honestly, what’s the point?

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Hi @tfazio93 

Sorry to hear that you're still having trouble with tracks skipping while in Offline Mode.

I've asked our support team to reach out to you to further assist with your subscription. Please be on the look out for their reply via email.


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