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iOS: Volume decreases when listening to Artist Only Mode

Local Performer

I am using on my iPhone 12. When it is connected to a Bluetooth device (speaker or headphones), the volume will dramatically decrease when listening in “Artist only mode.” Once I return to regular listening, the volume goes back up to normal levels. Is this supposed to happen? Does anyone else have this issue?

iPhone 12 Pro, iOS 17.3.1

Pandora app version 2401.1

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3 Replies


Hi @pdinolfo1!

Welcome to community!

Thanks for your device stats, very helpful!

I've enabled a trace on your account to help investigate. While this trace is enabled, can you please uninstall and reinstall the Pandora app on your phone. The next time you have this experience, let me know the date, time and time zone and I'll have a look to see if anything unusual occurs in the log.

Thanks for the help!

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Local Performer
I reinstalled the app on my phone and tried it again this morning. When
connected to a set of bluetooth speakers, the sound level dropped when I
went into Artist Only mode and then went back up after I changed to another
This was around 10:33-10:41am eastern time this morning.

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Hi @pdinolfo1 

Thanks for your reply and sorry for the delay. I was out of the office.

I reviewed the trace logs for the past 7 days and unfortunately didn't find anything of note to explain why this is happening. I'd like to pass this along to our engineering team for further review and investigation.

Could you please confirm the following information:

  • iOS version:
  • Pandora version:

You mentioned that this happens when connected to a set of Bluetooth speakers. Does the same thing occur if you're connected to a single speaker, headphones or through your iPhone directly?

Thanks again!

Tanner | Community Moderator

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