About a month ago my Pandora stopped working on WIFI on all of my Apple devices (3 iPhones, 1 iPad) of various OS versions. They all work just fine on cellular data. This seems to be the opposite issue that others are experiencing. I've tried starting a song with cellular on and WIFI off and it plays just fine. If I turn WIFI on in the middle of the song, it continues to play just fine but quits when it changes to the next song. I have no issues with Pandora on my laptop using the WIFI. I live in a low cell signal area so I have to put my phone on a windowsill in order to stream now. Not very convenient as you can imagine. Any suggestions?
mod edit: changed title for clarity
Hey, @Ronbonius. 👋
Thanks for sharing your experience, and sorry to hear that you're having trouble with Pandora on your iOS devices.
Could you share a few more details about those devices?
You can also try rebooting your connection:
Thanks for your help with this. 🎧
Hey, @Ronbonius. 👋
Thanks for the follow up and for providing those details.
At this time, I would recommend contacting the manufacturer of your router / your internet service provider to see if there's a way to keep your settings as is but still be able to listen to Pandora. They may be able to diagnose the issue.
Feel free to keep us updated. Hope to see you around the community space more often. 🎧