I would give some to charity, I would buy a house and pay it off, I would buy a car and pay it off, and then I would give some to homeless people and then I would give the rest to my family.
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What would you guys do with 600 million dollars?
I would give some to charity, I would buy a house and pay it off, I would buy a car and pay it off, and then I would give some to homeless people and then I would give the rest to my family.
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My brother's name is Jason and we both love to read and we both love to be physically active. I play sports and I also play guitar. My brother does band.
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I would love to say goodbye to my grandpa who died from cancer. I watched my mom break down and if I could I would love to bring him back so she could say goodbye and so I can see my mom happy.
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😥I am so sad that they had to die, but I still listen to juice world mainly. He brings this like heroy vibe into me and his music makes me feel so alive and I can relate with most of his songs.
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Yeah, I also like an artist I think you might know her Natalie La Rose!
Okay, I just want to know who is your celebrity crush?
Hey Valarie what do you like to do for fun?
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Come on guys I will start by telling you mine. I have a couple; Crystal Reed, Arden Cho, Shelly Hennig, Kylie Cantrall, Malia Baker, Ruby Rose Turner, and Meg Donnelly.
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Have you guys heard of Logan Reich if you haven't you should listen to a song that I really like "Pretty Boy"
what do you guys think of the song.
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I need to ask you guys a question and tell you about something that is happening if you guys will let me.
What do you guys like to do for fun?
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For basketball: I have to agree with the Golden State Warriors Football: Cincinnati Bengals (Sorry) Baseball: St. Louis Cardinals, and the Kansas City Royals. ( If you like the Golden State Warriors I shoot just like Steph Curry come see me on the court.)
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