Hi there, @KellyM83. 👋
Thanks for reporting your experience with this, and sorry for any inconvenience.
Player Notification:
There was an update posted in this thread recently around the player notification here: Android: Persistent player notification appears when app is closed
Resuming Playback after Pausing:
Have you tried clearing the app data to see if that helps? If not, I would recommend starting here: Android Troubleshooting
Could you share more details about what's happening?
Does this occur after you've been paused for a long time? Or, after taking a phone call?
Have you noticed any error messages? If so, what exactly does it say?
Bluetooth in your Vehicle:
Can you confirm that you have the Launch from car setting enabled on your Android phone?
Open Pandora.
Tap the Profile tab
Tap the Settings gear in the upper right corner.
Select Advanced.
Under Bluetooth for devices make sure there is a check next to Launch from car.
Enabling the Launch from car setting will prompt a notification from Pandora that will appear any time you connect to any Bluetooth device, since Pandora cannot distinguish between vehicles and other Bluetooth devices. This notification is required by your Android device. If the message bothers you, you can disable the Launch from car setting.* *Keep in mind that if you disable the Launch from car feature, you'll have to launch Pandora on your phone before you connect your phone to your car via USB or Bluetooth. Otherwise, it won't connect properly.
Use your mobile device only when conditions allow and as permitted by applicable law.
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