Many thanks for the tip Adam. So to be clear, I'm not sure I understand how to "..manually updating your password...". when my login didn't work, I selected the "forgot password" link which sent me an email that delivered me directly into the Pandora web interface. I wasn't prompted to change my PW at all, I was in the interface as if I'd already logged in, which I thought was strange. It was there that I found my way to the change PW screen and did so and got hung because, 1Password had already vaporized my old password. (btw, I use complex PW's that I'm unable to remember) Moving forward, I'll copy the PW into the notes section so I'll have a fallback if I'm challenged fr the orig. PW. That all said, this morning, I tried the ""forgot password" again and got the email, clicked the link and was delivered to a screen asking me for a new password! Exactly what I would have expected. Hence, I'm good for now but, don't understand how the process changed. Perhaps someone there flipped a switch for me? Don't know but, happy non-the-less! Thanks again for your help.
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