Thank you very much for that info MOHLovesAlaska! It pretty much tracks with and confirms much of what I’ve gleaned from a couple year’s usage. If I understand the app functionality correctly, shouldn’t at least the My Thumbs Up playlist include all the songs that I’ve thumbed up on all the other various stations/playlists? My overall strategy to date has been to add artist stations and then use thumbs up to get songs from those those added to the My Thumbs Up playlist. Not sure that this has worked all that well, but I can’t easily compare the listings. I also note that sometimes an artist is listed as a station and at other times as a playlist in my account. I’m not clear why that occurs as it seems to me I’ve consistently used the same method in setting up stations and then using thumbs up on those stations to ID preferred songs. More recently I began listening to shuffle on my Apple TV and thumbing up songs there as it seems to play much of the tagged music from my various stations mixed in with some similar untagged songs from those artists. I’ve been using thumbs up on shuffle hoping that any songs I don’t already have tagged get added to My Thumbs Up (currently at 1378 songs). Not sure how well that is working. I do really wish the artist mode was available on each station, as it would greatly simplify the process of selecting favorite tracks by individual artists. There are also times when I prefer to just listen to my personal favorite tracks from a particular artist. Maybe there is a more efficient way to populate My Thumbs Up, but I haven’t found it. I realize I still have some confusion about creating and using collections/playlists/stations. Overall, Pandora is still very much preferable to radio stations as I hate wasting time listening to commercials on either TV or Radio, but I do wish it were easier to customize. I switched from Sirius because I want to listen to the music I choose (mostly 70’s, with some 80’s, 90’s and a little bit of 2000’s) rather than what someone else chooses. In addition to their high cost, and although they tout their service as ad-free, Sirius has the bad habit of inserting ads for their other radio channels into whatever channel you are listening to. If I wanted to be listening to the other channel, I’m capable of scrolling through channel listings by myself and if I wanted to be listening to another channel ’d have switched to it… Anyway, thanks again!
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