Created | Tier | Playlists | Stations | Thumbs | Music hours | Podcast hours |
0/0/0 | undefined | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Hi, Yes, Sunsweet Pacific Tropicals is GONE!!!! A HUGE thank you!! I have others that I'd also like to remove. I went through the exact same steps as I did trying to remove/delete Sunsweet Pacific Tropicals only they reacted differently. They disappeared from my Shuffle, but remain in My Collection. To listen to these stations I'd have to click on it as they don't automatically play like Sunsweet Pacific Tropicals did. I don't listen to these stations and just want to remove/delete them (see below). Going forward and for future reference... Can you give me the directions to further troubleshoot when an issue like this happens? Zou bisou (remastered) [image: image.png] The Unsinkable Molly Brown [image: image.png] Dominique [image: image.png] RoxAnn
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Sunsweet Pacific Tropicals.
I listen to Pandora on my laptop (Windows) and iPhone SE. On my laptop the URL is with nothing after that. On my iPhone I click on the app. I can only troubleshoot using my laptop as it's easier for me to see the screen and being old school can type-by-touch a lot faster.
I have Shuffle turned OFF yet every time I log into Pandora even though the last station I had been listening to should be the one to start playing the station I want to remove/delete it's the 1st station to play even though I hadn't played it at all before shutting down the previous time.
In My Collections > click on the 3 dots for the station you want to remove/delete > Remove from your collection > Remove Station. There is no "Save" tab.
In My Profile > Settings > Notifications there are only 2 options, From Pandora and From Artists, and both are turned OFF. There are NO OTHER OPTIONS on that, or in any other page, of My Profile.
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Hi, I forgot to mention that I made sure the URL is with nothing after that. I tagged onto this post because it was a similar issue, but then couldn't get back to it so I started my own post, which I should have done in the beginning. If you have any other suggestions my post is "Unable To Delete A Station From Shuffle And My Collection". Thanks!!
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Hi, I replied to someone's post regarding something similar to my issue hoping someone might be able to help me resolve my issue and now I can't find, or remember, the Subject Line of that post to get back to it and read Pandora's replies trying to help me resolve my issue. Sooo...I'm starting my own post, which I should have done to begin with (lol). I have the free Pandora version and listen to music on my laptop (Windows) and iPhone SE. I am unable to delete/remove a particular station from Shuffle and My Collection. This issue is happening on both my laptop and iPhone. All of the troubleshooting steps I've taken have been on my laptop as my cell phone screen is too small. I'm old school and can type by touch really fast on my laptop plus the screen is easy for me to see, however; if I'm on my phone it's henpecking with 1 finger and the screen is too small for me to easily maneuver. On My Collection I've clicked on the 3 dots for the station I want to delete/remove > clicked on Remove from your collection > clicked on Remove station. I've checked My Profile > Settings > Notifications and toggled the 2 options, From Pandora and From Artists, to off and there is no Save tab. There aren't any other options under My Profile that I can click on. I've restarted my laptop each time I tried the troubleshooting steps noted above and that station is still there - IT WON'T GO AWAY. I could ignore it and just let it be on my playlist, but it's always the station that begins playing whenever I log into Pandora even though it's not the last station I listened to, nor had I listened to it at all the previous time I had my laptop on and was listening to music. Shuffle is always turned off. Also, I've made sure that the URL is with nothing after that. This station is relentless I tell you, IT WON'T GO AWAY.
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Hi, I have the free Pandora level and listen on my laptop (Windows). I can't delete/remove a particular station from my Shuffle list or My Collection. Every time I open Pandora the last station I listened to should be at the top of the list and begin playing, however; the station I've been trying to delete/remove keeps popping up and playing instead. I have Shuffle turned OFF and in My Collection clicked on the 3 dots > Remove From Your Collection > click ok. I have logged out of Pandora, restarted my laptop hoping that would clear the glitch, but the station is still there. The station simply won't go away!! PLEASE GIVE ME DIRECTIONS TO CLEAR THIS GLITCH ONCE AND FOR ALL - PLEASE!!!!
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