Profilergirl, I listen to mostly old boomer, progressive rock from the 70s and 80s. Not exactly "top of the charts" in 2023. I am guessing my favorite stations don't get much play and thus may not have many advertisers. In the past that seems to have meant that my stations didn't get that many commercial breaks, which was fine with me. But I am wondering if Pandora has had a change in policy. Maybe now if there's no commercial lined up on the station, instead of playing the station anyway they give you the blank blue screen of death in the hope that you switch to a different station that does have commercials lined up. They don't make any money off of no pays if those listeners never hear any commercials. This would explain the behavior, some stations work, some don't, and which one's do or don't keeps changing with the behavior of advertisers. Just wondering if you musical tastes are similarly unpopular. Thanks, jharan
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