Hello ChrisPandora! I have the same issue for 2 of my artist profiles, they have multiple artist profiles with their music releases spitted among them. The first artist is under the name of "Avith Ortega". The URLs are: 1. https://www.pandora.com/artist/avith-ortega/ARhPV224hnPtZnP 2. https://www.pandora.com/artist/avith-ortega/AR59w49K6lj64ZP 3. https://www.pandora.com/artist/avith-ortega/ARvPP9b6fgp6w6w Also, two of my albums doesn't show up in Pandora but when I submitted the album with the UPC number for Pandora Radio it did showed up so I would like that it can appear in the searching results and in my artist profile. There missing albums are "Metastasis" (UPC: 1827849936593) and the other one is "Trail to the Past" (UPC: 1941520379742). The second artist profile is "Avitronic" and it shows as 2 different profiles on Pandora: 1. https://www.pandora.com/artist/avitronic/ARjlrg7gqXjwPfJ 2. https://www.pandora.com/artist/avitronic/AR6J7JrmJ9Pvvhk I also have another issue in this one: 2 of the Avitronic music releases are showing as "Avith Ortega" albums, so they are in the wrong artist profile. The albums are: 1. https://www.pandora.com/artist/avith-ortega/contrasting-nuances/ALjxhnKx54jPlc4 2. https://www.pandora.com/artist/avith-ortega/enophophilia/ALtfd7JkhgccgcV These albums should appear as by "Avitronic" artist. I hope you can help me with all of this so I can claim both artist profiles on AMC Pandora. If you need a reference to know that the albums appear in the correct artist I can share you my artist profiles of other music platforms where all the information is correct: - Avith Ortega: Apple Music (https://music.apple.com/us/artist/avith-ortega/1143679349), Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/artist/68wR5LpuIPZVBPciG4ILlD) - Avitronic: Apple Music (https://music.apple.com/us/artist/avitronic/1551326019), Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/artist/70LKuCWhwvPHliz6eHZDZM). Thank you for all the support!
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