I think you have a "Seeds" function to add groups or types of music to your play list? How hard would it be to add a "Weed Killer" feature to eliminate entire unwanted genres of noise? I suspect that this feature would be VERY popular. Maybe even make it specific to an unwanted musician or group. The Thumbs Down function is basically useless. So the customer is stuck with listening to the unwanted trash forced upon them by the mindless "genome". I'm sure that many of your customers intensely dislike the music I listen to, and they shouldn't have to even know it exists, and Pandora certainly shouldn't force my music onto them if they don't want it. Pandora was established on the concept that the listener could curate and develop their own music stations to fit their tastes and preferences. But in reality this is a myth, with the "genome" constantly shoving garbage (subjectively speaking) on you that you don't want to hear, much less hear over and over and over and over and over again. A "Weed Killer" function is mandatory, if you want to "cultivate" your listener crop.
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