I understand what you're saying about predicting the song being played in your licensing restrictions and so on but I'm here to tell you that I like that specific song so much that they played it on that station and the little button that you push the little arrow circle that means I want to hear that song again I would push that thing and listen to it and listen to the the ad that I had to listen to in order to get free replace and I would listen to that song over and over and over so many times that your algorithms or whatever it is that you guys use learned that I like that song and every day when I came outside and started my Pandora up invariably always started that song within the first three songs always... Then one day I wanted to hear it so I tried your on demand feature and I listen to the ad that it required me to listen to so I can hear it on demand and ever since that day it will no longer play that song on any of the stations.. .. how do you explain that other than now that it knows that I like that song it won't play it for me unless I pay for it that's the only way you can interpret that. .. wouldn't you agree?
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