Created | Tier | Playlists | Stations | Thumbs | Music hours | Podcast hours |
0/0/0 | undefined | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Hope you got my emails entailing the continuation of the problem. No, "lost your internet connection," message today, but same issue again work the switching...3 times now. Either I'm alone in this, or it's an unvoiced issue that is contribution to premium users switching to Spotify. Just saying, getting switched off of an hour+ continuous mix after 20 min isn't very premium.
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Seemed like it might have help that out yesterday. But this morning I received the message from Pandora, l"like your internet connection has been lost", and got switched over to a downloaded station in the middle of us all. 99% sure there was no problem with my internet, four bars LTE great coverage on a reliable mobile device. Also, reading my downloaded tracks is not a great option for a fix. Overall not very premium in my opinion, and that's what I pay for. ☹️
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Is anyone else having an issue with songs switching in the middle for no reason, over to Autoplay rather than staying in the playlist you're using?
Very annoying and only a recent development, plz let me know if I'm not alone.
mod edit: changed title for clarity
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Woke up this morning, rebooted the phone and was delighted to find my Google dark theme has followed over to Pandora. Thank you so much!
mod edit: changed title for clarity
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Pandora premium. When I search for an artist, and list all songs by artist, I can sometimes listen to all these songs through the outer layer just like songs on my collection--I don't have to go into the album. Seems like it used to be like this across the board for all artists in search mode, but now it's largely not working. Great feature for exploring new artists when it works.
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Yeah, much needed. Would be great for album search in alphabetical order also. Or, how about this, if we could use the search function in our own library... Should be rather easy to implement a search location feature, Pandora/My Library...
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Anybody else want to see am option for songs and album in your collection to be viewable in alphabetical order rather than when you added them? Plz let them know. Out tell me the obvious fix that I can't see right in front of my face.
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Plenty of areas for improvement in Pandora, that's coming from a premium account user. Hope they get this deployed soon since they already worked on it and launched for iOS, just saying...
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