Hey there, @GCosta20. 👋
Sorry to hear that you're having trouble listening. Unfortunately, our User Support team doesn't offer phone support, but I'm happy to help with this via the community.
To clarify, you can still use those devices with a free account or your paid subscription. However, you won't be able to play them both simultaneously.
No Sound:
Pandora has a separate volume control. Make sure it isn't all the way down, the volume control is located in the bottom right corner of the Pandora page.
If that's not it, make sure you are plugged into the main speaker outputs of your sound card. Sometimes there are two outputs. Pandora may only play from one of them on machines with some sound drivers. Updated drivers have fixed this for many listeners.
Troubleshooting your Web Browser:
In the meantime, I’ve enabled a trace on your account to help us better understand what’s happening. For this trace to be useful, we’ll need you to run through our troubleshooting steps.
For your Chrome web browser, you may find these steps helpful.
For your Safari browser, I would recommend these troubleshooting steps.
Desktop Application:
Another option is to try the Pandora Desktop App for your MAC computer.
You can install the Pandora desktop app for Mac computers here.
Open the downloaded file and follow the prompts to complete the installation.
Keep in mind the Pandora app works the same as our website. All of the features on our website will be available and any changes you make will sync across all of your devices.
*Minimum System Requirements: Mac OS 10.10 Yosemite or later.
If you prefer to have your issue escalated to email instead, feel free to let me know. I look forward to hearing back!
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