This is the same problem I'm having! I first noticed it Saturday, I go to the main playlist I made and hit shuffle and it's not playing songs from that playlist at all, I think it's playing songs from the Moby Grape radio station I had saved in my collection but not sure. And it won't shuffle songs from any playlist I go on. Tried logging out and back in, tried playing a song from my playlist then hitting shuffle, nothing has worked.
The button is still there on my playlists(or any playlist), it just isn't shuffling songs from the playlist, I've had Pandora Premium for years and this is the first time this has ever happened. my main playlist I made has 1,137 songs currently and is a mix of music, the best way to play it is on shuffle.
Just noticed this problem yesterday, when I hit the shuffle button on my "D's Ultimate Mix" playlist it isn't playing songs from that playlist and it has the thumbs up and thumbs down buttons which never show up when I'm playing music from a playlist I made. Anyone else having this problem?
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