@sfbrady1243 Glad to be of help.
In the past, free listeners and Plus subscribers were only able to look for artists and tracks in order to create radio stations. We've updated your experience so that you have the ability to listen to content on-demand, without being a Premium subscriber.
If you search for and select the name of an artist, or track, or album, you should be brought to a "backstage page" where you can either create a radio station or press play.
If you press play you indicate that you'd like to listen to that content right away (or "on-demand"). Since only Premium subscribers can listen on-demand, you will either see an ad for Premium, or be prompted to watch a video ad to unlock a complimentary session of Premium.
Keep in mind that upgrading to Premium or accepting a complimentary session of Premium is completely optional; you can close the ad and we'll create a station for you to listen to instead (if one is available).
Should you decide to accept a complimentary session of Premium, rest assured that you won't be billed; because the additional cost of these sessions is covered by the advertisement, your account will return to your regular Plus service automatically when the session expires, and you won't be charged any Premium fees.
Let me know if you have any additional questions about this. Hope you have a great weekend! 🎧
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