I noticed I had a more logical sort and navigation in Pandora as a non-paying customer. Across all devices, phone, ipod, etc. the features are no longer navigable - the thumbs up/down feature isn't present, the collection view is skewed to limit me to 'only' artists 'or' songs 'or' albums 'or' stations -- but not view my 'collection' in a logical sorted format as it has been my entire history as a Pandora client. Radio stations are in numberical order on a radio. Television stations are in numerical order. Why would it ever by reasonable to consider that Pandora collections that allegedly offer a 'filter' wouldn't provide an 'alphabetized sort' that keeps the entire collection intact??? Sensible, logical, navigable, intelligent design isn't rocket science for a music service. C'mon, Pandora. Stop running off your clients to Spotify and Amazon.
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