@Johnrodfeo I'm happy to look into this, however I'm still having a little trouble understanding what is happening.
Please follow up with all of the information requested:
To clarify, after giving a track a Thumbs Up on one of your stations, does that track now appear at the bottom of your My Thumbs Up playlist rather than at the top?
Also, are you listening to Pandora on a computer or on a device?
If you are on a computer, are you listening from:
A Mac or Windows computer?
Our website, or the desktop app? If you're listening from our website, what browser are you using?
If you are on a device, what is the make and model (and carrier, if applicable)?
Is there an error message? If so, what does it say?
Can you provide me with a screenshot of what you're seeing?
Thanks again for the help with this!
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