If you scrobble your Pandora listening to your Last.fm account, you will get a complete history of all played tracks since the beginning of your account. Currently Pandora does not have an internal scrobbling option, but you can use external scrobbling apps, e.g. for the Pandora web player or your Android device. Scrobbling Pandora on an iOS device or within their desktop app does not work though, for that the developers would have to implement this internally. The Last.fm API is free to use for everyone, and the implementation is not that complicated. See also my reply in the related forum thread about Last.fm scrobbling with some links. Furthermore Last.fm provides listening reports for each week, month and year with graphical data which you can share elsewhere if you want, e.g. in your Twitter feed. For some examples check my Last.fm profile, currently I am scrobbling my David Lindley station on Pandora, but you can also see all of my scrobbles in my library or my listening report on the right side of my profile.
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