@Lucadifalco I moved your post over to this existing thread: Sonos: Hearing ads after upgrade
In order to receive ad-free music on your Sonos device, you will need to verify that you're logged into your upgraded account within the Sonos app. From your mobile device, open the Sonos app and go to Settings, then My Services. Select Pandora from this list and verify that you're signed in with the above email address. If not, sign out, then sign back in with the upgraded account. From a computer, go to the Sonos app and click Manage, then Service Settings. Select Pandora, then click Edit (on a Mac this is represented by a small gear), and select Change Password to confirm you are using the correct account info. If not, sign out, then sign back in with the upgraded account. If you're having trouble with this, I recommend contacting the Sonos support team for more help. If this does not resolve the issue after confirming you are logged in with the correct address, the next time you hear an ad please let me know the following:
Time including time zone
The type of ad you heard, e.g. was it for a product or destination?
Let me know.
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