Please count me in as someone who wants to listen to her podcasts via Pandora on a Roku TV. I’m disheartened every time I open Pandora and don’t see the podcast or episode I was just listening to on my phone. 😕 Why listen on my phone or iPad when I have a great sound system hanging in the wall?
I hope you folks’ll add this functionality soon; it seems as if it oughtta be an easy fix, isn’t it? Just add the existing code from the code for any other device? I for one would be happy to beta test if you’re in need of testers.
Thanks for considering it,
ETA: Yikes; I see the post I’m replying to is 16 months old. 😱 I gather this functionality isn’t a priority. 😞 I’m off to see whether Spotify will make me happy.
Yeow! That was easy. In less than four minutes, I’m listening to my podcasts in Spotify on my TV (and with a user interface that’s an order of magnitude better than the Pandora interface besides!).
Its been fun, Pandora, but I’m breaking up with you. It’s not me; it’s you. You don’t meet my needs anymore. But thanks for all the fun all this time; it was because of you that I learned of Ludovico Einaudi, and I appreciate that more than I can say. Best of luck to you in the future!
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