Something dramatically changed with the operating software at Pandora and/or Samsung within the last 3 to 10 weeks. Why is neither party forthcoming with operating software changes that were made this summer! The problem seems to be identical and spread across many, many Samsung sets, regardless of internet provider, wifi vs ethernet, and modem/router equipment. A short while ago I did the same thing I did the other day: opened the app on my tv, and it played ONE song, with sound, from start to finish. I soon as that song finished, the no-sound issue immediately took hold. I will ask the question again, why doesn't Pandora and/or Samsung step forward to acknowledge the operating software change made this summer, and why they don't debug it. Is there a conflict between the parent companies we are not being told about, such as happens between individual cable channels and cable/streaming providers? Very, very strange that I can open the app once a day, and listen to one song all the way through, then kaput. Looks like this is purposely programmed to happen.
Got to expert settings and then could find no such button (IPv6)
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