Hey there! Jamie from the Creator Services team here.
We wanted to make sure you knew about the AMP: Fresh Cuts Station. Fresh Cuts plays an eclectic mix of up and coming artists, who all use AMP!
AMP: Fresh Cuts Station
If you have a new release (less than 2 months old) of any genre, and would like to get that track on Fresh Cuts, please tag the Pandora AMP socials on your release posts and we will have a listen!
We allow one track per artist at a time (and are happy to swap tracks out if needed). Tracks are removed 3 months after release day.
There's a TON of awesome music on this station, and we will often pass music on to other programmers for them to check out.
Happy listening!
P.S. Posting a submission in the comments here won't ensure your track being added to the Fresh Cuts Station, please tag us on socials.
You might have founds this already but just in case, if you sign up for "Programming Notifications" on the 'Insights" tab of your AMP dashboard, you'll see if your track is added.
My single releases on 2/9. Is there any way to get the song in front of curators prior to the release date?
Hey Jamie,
Thanks for the great info!
1. Just tag Pandora AMP on just one of the social media platforms we post on (in our post)? As in somewhere in the post itself we have to write/paste the full "https://www.facebook.com/pandoraAMP" on a Facebook post or "https://www.instagram.com/amp_pandora/" on our Instagram post? Or type in @pandoraAMP on our Facebook post, right? That's how we do it specifically?
And is one "method" better (correct) than the other? As in adding @PandoraAMP on our Facebook post or "https://www.facebook.com/pandoraAMP" ?
2. I'm first announcing my release via a Music Video (containing the full song that is on Pandora, with the same exact name of the song and video). Can I tag @PandoraAMP there (instead of on a specific MUSIC-only release post)? The Music Video IS the release (as it contains the song).
Thank you!
I'll post on socials, but I'll include my new single here too! Thanks ya'll!
Hi, Jamie. That is an awesome opportunity, and thank you for offering it. I just claimed my artist info on Pandora, and am still "in the que." Can I still use your supplied tags on socials? My album is up, I just don't have full Artist access on Pandora yet.
Hello Jamie, hope all is good. I just posted this link https://www.instagram.com/p/C5mbxQjOv3G/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link . Just to let you know i am not a young kid and all the social media stuff is new to me. I am mostly in the studio producing music and have always let others do this stuff. Now I have to so Im trying.. LOL... So far I have had great response on the 2 new songs and hope I can get some radio play. Thanks and have a good day.. D Mystro M
This is awesome! Thanks Jaime. I posted to IG yesterday. Do you notify artists if they are selected for the Freshcuts playlist or a spotlight on social media?
@sreynolds I just had a song added to AMP: Fresh Cuts and another Pandora editorial playlist. I didn't receive any email notification, but on my artist "insights" tab, a section for Programming Placements appeared near the top with both.
If they tag you on social media, you should get a notification through instagram or whatever. You can also check the AMP links to see what they've posted. Hope this helps.
So helpful! Thank you for taking the time to reach out.
Hi Jaime,
So grateful to Pandora AMP for adding my song "Unreliable Witness" to Fresh Cuts several weeks ago. I tagged Pandora AMP in a new IG post promoting another song from my recent release "Wreckage". I know that you only post one song per artist at a time. Hoping that Unreliable Witness can be swapped out for Wreckage. Thanks so much.
Hey Jamie - this is Mark & Cara from ⌜ 32after ⌝
Nice to e-meet you! Thanks for the clarification - we are brand new here but have now just tagged AMP_Pandora on our latest releases 🙂
By the way, we make "CINEMATIC, DRAMATIC POP" - (think of epic film music having a baby with pop music & you get a rough idea..!)
If you are intrigued by what we do, please check out our website here (our music is also there!):
We can be found pretty much everywhere else you can think of - hope you like our music!
Thank you! 🙂
Mark & Cara
⌜ 32after ⌝
Our single "The River Song" by Stones Speak just released May 30th.
For some reason we didn't see your tag (use the Pandora AMP accounts not the main Pandora Music accounts), but I'm glad you posted here. We'll get your music analyzed for radio play so that you have your own Artist Station.
Hi Sarah! If you sign up for notifications on your Pandora AMP profile, you will get emailed when a track is programmed.
hey there! I'm not sure I ever saw this tag, but I'm glad you posted here. I'll add the new release to Fresh Cuts.
Hi there! Any of these account is good. I check them weekly. instagram seems to be the largest and most active community so maybe that's the best one to focus on. And However you want to tag is good, it doesn't make a different from my end.
And because you asked, there's no need to tag in anything other than track releases. You're welcome to tag us more, but specifically for this project we're looking for new releases to add to AMP Fresh Cuts (less than 2 months old, tracks are removed from the station after 3 months). If the video comes with it, that's awesome.
Thanks for this opportunity which is a win win for us and Pandora! I love the way you work with and for artists:) We have a new release coming out on the 16th. My Space and will definitely be tagging you on our socials! Our new artist with T.A.P. (The African Project) is DebAura. Here is her link tree if you want to check her out: link tree DebAura