Created | Tier | Playlists | Stations | Thumbs | Music hours | Podcast hours |
5/6/2023 | FREE | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
We are independent artists swimming in cluttered sea of sound full of sharks. Anyone know of an honest, practical platform that helps Independent artists with Marketing, Organizing our metadata, and giving real professional feedback? Also the BIG question is AFFORDABLE! Appreciate any tried and true insights. Cindy from T.A.P.
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Thanks for this opportunity which is a win win for us and Pandora! I love the way you work with and for artists:) We have a new release coming out on the 16th. My Space and will definitely be tagging you on our socials! Our new artist with T.A.P. (The African Project) is DebAura. Here is her link tree if you want to check her out: link tree DebAura
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I would be curious as to why Pandora has declined in these services when other sites are improving using the new technology tools available. Get Outlook for iOS<>
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We are a new band here and I am in charge of getting us set up. Not sure I am doing this right and wondered if there was a step by step explanation of how to get set up here to best benefit our band? This is Cindy for T.A.P. our latest release is What You Say.
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Hi NADRIP, Happy Friday and hope you had a good week:) Keith has actually started working with T.A.P. which is an arm of World Fusion Music Productions LLC. I meet with him to discuss best publishing strategies and business plans for the music. He is helping us get T.A.P. better organized as of last month. I am much relieved to have his help! He explained to me why I needed to own the ISRC code and the UPC code. I had no idea this was necessary. He explained in great detail and convinced me so now we own both. WFMP is putting on, sponsoring, this event in July for him because I have come to believe his knowledge can help other artists. I am part of the independent artist movement and see that the biggest problem among us is our lack of business sense and understanding of the details of how this crazy music business actually works. I personally am a business woman and have been in clothing, pet products, art & framing and equine events and services but have not yet encountered an industry as complicated and inefficient as the music industry in the way the actual creator gets paid. I am thankful to be part of the movement in building new models that are slowly going to change things to make things more simple and straight forward when it comes to paying us artists. I would suggest you come to the event in July or better yet reach out directly to Keith. He is a very nice guy and a strong artist advocate.
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Thanks for sharing and I appreciate your thoughts as I am no expert either. However I am working with a distributor/artist advocate named Keith Kirk. He owns Motif Music. motifmusic.io I own World Fusion Music Productions LLC wfmpllc.com which T.A.P. is a part of. He is the expert. We are having Keith as our guest speaker in July and he will be pulling back the curtain to help us see what we need to know to be best organized with our music to get the most money. The date will be the 11th and the time will be 12:00. He is an expert and has been in the business with all the changes for the last 10 years. I like working with him because I personally know him and he is really all about helping indie artists. We all need help understanding this crazy business and learning about the most recent changes as it is changing every month and will continue to be a beast to ride for all of us. Best to you!
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Hey everyone just had a great talk with a publisher who worked for Warner Brothers for years and was sharing with me about UPC codes and ISRC codes. He told me the money follows the numbers which makes logical sense. I came to understand that it is really important to have these codes for your released songs and to have them registered to you and not your distributor. They are not expensive and, according to him, can bring in up to 40% more income. When a DSP generates a code for your song that is owned by them that gives them rights to the monies paid for the song. We are going with his advice, which I never even thought of before, as the publishing admin of T.A.P. Every penny counts in this business of music. Something to think about and look into. Cindy for T.A.P. https://pandora.app.link/30JxFDsOhJb
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Hello everyone Cindy here for T.A.P. We are an international band just getting started. Good to be here and hope to contribute. Our music is unique combining cultures and genres. Our songs are a blend of pop, hip hop, R&B, Soul, and afro beat, but we try and stay out of the box:) Our core band is 4 but we work with many with the mission that making the music and listening to the music should both bring something good. It's about the journey and the relationships on the journey. We are excited to have DebAura our new lead singer with us. She is bringing a powerful sound with her amazing voice to our songs. We are just getting set up here. Our newest release is What You Say. https://pandora.app.link/jzXbnMwefJb
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Hi Chris, I am looking forward to the webinar on the 8th as a newbie to this platform. In the mean time I am trying to get set up for our band. Can you please explain how to best use the TAG tool? Thanks so much for your time! Sending some love from T.A.P.
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This is a great idea and certainly moving with the mood emphasis today. Will absolutely share this and start to use it. How does an artist get their music into these mood stations?
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We have a new lead singer. Looking for feedback. https://pandora.app.link/o1H9RXlueJb We are happy to be part of this community and look forward to the upcoming webinar to learn how to hang here and keep moving forward with our music.
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