Hey y’all!
Let’s talk about every AMP user’s favorite tool, Featured Tracks! Featured Tracks can give your new songs a boost and help surface your music in new corners of Pandora. It is a completely free tool and one that should definitely be in your arsenal when promoting your music.
Not super familiar with Featured Tracks? Well, let's review it!
Featured Tracks receive heightened spins for up to eight weeks, during which time listeners can give their feedback on the track by thumbing up or down. The result — the track is played to the right listeners on stations where it fits best for them.
The use of Featured Tracks is the simplest, easiest way to boost new music on Pandora. When you select a track to be Featured, we introduce it to new listeners on more stations than it would typically reach. As soon as a track is Featured, it kicks off a period of accelerated testing and evaluation during which your track will receive a boost in spins across numerous stations where it is a good musical fit.
To make sure you get all you can from the Featured Tracks experience, follow these eligibility guidelines and best practices:
Note: When Featuring a track that is brand new to Pandora, we recommend letting the track spin organically for 3-4 weeks before beginning the Feature period. This helps the track establish a foundation upon which the Featured Track can build.
You can submit a Featured Track using the self-serve submission form found within AMP.
Pandora is able to collect a number of performance metrics for Featured Tracks. You can see these in real time in the Feed under the Activity tab in AMP.
Performance metrics for all campaigns can be viewed under the Campaigns tab. Sort Campaigns by status (All, Live, Draft, Complete) using the menu on the right. Campaigns will be listed in the center panel, sorted by when they were last edited. Clicking on any Campaign will open detailed performance metrics for the Campaign, broken out by campaign element.
You’ll be able to see the following statistics for your Featured Track:
When you’ve Featured a song, we encourage you to start an Artist Audio Message that is set to play before the song that tells your listeners to Thumb Up the track. This can help get more feedback for your song so Pandora learns how to better play your song to listeners on more stations. This data will also be helpful for Pandora to know which listeners may want to hear this song after the Featured Track campaign has wrapped up.
Please note that we do not guarantee any outcome from using the AMP tools, such as Featured Tracks, to promote your music on Pandora.
That’s a lot of info! Have you had success running a Featured Track campaign? Have any additional tips? Let us know!
Hey @anthonymdavis - When an artist first has their music ingested into Pandora, it immediately goes live for listeners to play on-demand. In AMP, you will see these plays listed as "Pandora Interactive Plays".
At that time, the new artist is queued for our Music Analysts to review where they will decide if the artist's music will be analyzed. If it is analyzed, listeners will be able to create a station based off of that artist.
Once an artist has a station, their songs will be eligible to play on Pandora Radio. These spins are logged in AMP as "Pandora Radio Spins".
For a track to be eligible to be a Featured Track, it must have spun at least 10 times on radio that week.
While your content may be delivered to us by your distributor, Pandora is still a curated collection. In other words, your partnership with your distributor does not guarantee inclusion on Pandora Radio.
I hope that helps! ✌️
Thank you. This is good info. I’m a complete NEWBIE here on Pandora. While reading the qualifications for a featured track, one of them states:
The track is receiving at least 10 spins per week on radio
My question is: I’m unsure what the difference between regular Pandora streams and Radio. I see my tracks are listed for streams and Radio spins. Is there something I should do to ensure it gets to the”Radio”?
Where is the Radio in Pandora?
Like I said… I’m a NEWBIE.
~ Tony Davis
Hey @anthonymdavis - When an artist first has their music ingested into Pandora, it immediately goes live for listeners to play on-demand. In AMP, you will see these plays listed as "Pandora Interactive Plays".
At that time, the new artist is queued for our Music Analysts to review where they will decide if the artist's music will be analyzed. If it is analyzed, listeners will be able to create a station based off of that artist.
Once an artist has a station, their songs will be eligible to play on Pandora Radio. These spins are logged in AMP as "Pandora Radio Spins".
For a track to be eligible to be a Featured Track, it must have spun at least 10 times on radio that week.
While your content may be delivered to us by your distributor, Pandora is still a curated collection. In other words, your partnership with your distributor does not guarantee inclusion on Pandora Radio.
I hope that helps! ✌️
Hi, i have a question regarding featured tracks. What is a good thumbs up ratio % ? Is the ratio what pushes the song out to more listeners? Is it the Featured Thumb Ratio or Total Thumb that matters? I've run a few of my records through it (one ongoing) and these are my results. The Live one seems to be doing better but I'm not really sure what determines a good campaign. Is this average or above average?
Thank you. I see a big difference in streams between here and Spotify. Hopefully after I figure my way around here, Pandora and the other place will be consistent with each other.
Hey @dylewe43! This is a great question. Due to the individual nature of each Featured Track campaign, we are not able to give an exact percentage to shoot for with the Thumb percentages.
However, the more Thumbs your song is receiving during the campaign, the better! The Featured Thumb ratio represents percentage of listeners giving your song a Thumbs Up when the song is spun as a Featured Track on their station. The overall Thumb ratio represents the percent of listeners giving the song a Thumbs Up, in general, across stations. All of these Thumbs help Pandora better learn how to spin your track during and after the campaign.
Thought I'd follow up and show the final results of my campaign. This song did really well, what is my next step? How do i get it to continue playing on pandora stations now that the campaign is finished?
Hi Chris! I started a featured track campaign for my song starting Dec 18, but my dashboard still says it has had 0 featured spins. Any insight into this?
Hey @dylewe43 - Nice! Happy to hear this went well for you. The feedback you received during this campaign can continue to help your song spin on Pandora. You can still use AMP tools like Artist Audio Messages and share it on Social Media to continue promoting it.
Hi @AlmaMay - When you select a track to be Featured, Pandora will look to introduce the song to new listeners on more stations than it would typically reach.
As soon as a track is Featured, it kicks off a period of accelerated testing and evaluation during which your track will receive a boost in spins across numerous stations where it is a good musical fit.
During this period, you may see spins for the song increase. You may also see the song spin on stations the track may have previously not been heard on. These are what we call a “Featured Spin”.
Please note that we do not guarantee any outcome from using the AMP tools, such as Featured Tracks, to promote your music on Pandora.