Hi there!!, My name is Tony Davis, (Listed as Anthony M. Davis). I'm new here and only doing the "Claim Artist" thing today. I guess they'll approve me in a day or so. If someone told me I'd have music distributed a couple years ago, I wouldn't have believed them. About 2-1/2 years ago, I had my 2nd stroke and nearly died from it. I lost my left side and speech. Then, after retiring from a toxic work environment (that was probably the healthiest thing I could do), I began working on self-care. I began getting function back so I wrote books and went to the gym to get well. On a whim, I wrote a song to use as a book trailer, and to my surprise, book sales went up. Aside from the positive motivation of doing something like that, I wondered if there was something to it. Today, with 41 songs, I figure about 1/2 of them are good enough to distribute. The others I might split into stems for possible use for sync tracks later. Through DistroKid, I have 5 tracks out there (a new one from last week, and another releasing next week). There are four of them here at: https://www.pandora.com/artist/anthony-m-davis/ARZ3V4rrXJPhq7P The funny thing is being that I'm so new and not into my AMP account yet, they used photo of "Bob" from one of my tracks, "Bob the Blues Mouse" as my profile image. It's okay. He's a cool guy. 😊 It's hard to say for sure who inspires me. I like good Blues, Rock, Country, Christian and a variety of other genres, and I write and produce the same. Much of my work is what I categorize as "Human Condition" songs. Those are the things that happen to us, and what we do to ourselves, along with how to move forward through those storms. I guess it makes sense (in an odd way) because during 2 military services, one of them, U.S. Coast Guard, I spent many winters in the Bering Sea in storms. Years later I began a coaching and therapy practice helping people get their lives better, and helping female abuse clients across the country. This practice was in addition to the Toxic place I left. I've found these kinds of songs are relatable to people. This is a longer post than I planned. I look forward to interacting with folks here. Hopefully the AMP account will be alive soon. Best to you, Tony Davis
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