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Support for Artists

Opening Act

Is there a link to submit music to?


Moderator edit: edited title for clarity

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Local Performer

Hello, artist Omer Leibovitz Here. I am having similar issues. I have submitted all my music, and it is all showing up, however two issues. 

1st issue the singles are showing up separate from the albums and EPs 

2nd Amp will not recognize and name and let me claim myself 

3rd can't start radio station

thank you and I hope someone can help me, 

Community Manager
Community Manager

No problem, @omerleibovitz.

I have created a ticket with our AMP team for you.

They will be contacting you privately via email, so please keep an eye out for their message.

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

Hello I can't find my artist page either to claim even though my music is live. Where do I go to get help from the support team?

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@JKAM For future reference, you can always get in touch with our AMP team directly by submitting a message through our help page.

I've gone ahead and created a ticket for you this time - our AMP team will be contacting you privately via email, so please keep an eye out for their message.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

Dear Amp,

I submitted my music a few months ago and then resubmitted it and it was accepted.  I can't seem to find my artist name in the drop box under 'claim artist'

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there, @Hitzumaru. 👋

Nice to see you around the community space. I've gone ahead and escalated your issue to our AMP Support team. Someone will reach out to you via email to assist with claiming your artist profile.

Thanks so much for your patience during this process. 🎧

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Local Performer

I am having the same issue with my artist page "Dirty Snowman Society" - not sure why. Can anyone help?

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Local Performer

Thank you so much!

Local Performer

Hello! I am having the same issue. I have submitted and been accepted by Pandora (and I am also able to listen to my track on Pandora's site), however I cannot claim the artist. It would be great if you or the AMP team could assist! Thanks!

Community Manager
Community Manager

@danielbenton I have created a case for you with our AMP team.

They will be contacting you privately via email, so please keep an eye out for their message.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Community Manager
Community Manager

@dirtysnowman I will have someone from our AMP team contact you privately via email to help with this.

Please keep an eye out for their message.

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

Any help? Trying to claim my profile for pandora with the AMP thing and my artist name isnt showing up.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@henrykamstra I have created a case for you with our AMP team.

They will be contacting you privately via email to help look into this further, so please keep an eye out for their message.

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

good morning, 

I want to start an artist station for Andreaa but the option is not available to me, although the music is live on Pandora. If you all could help that would be amazing. 

 Screen Shot 2021-02-10 at 10.55.06 AM.png

Community Manager
Community Manager

@andreaamusic To clarify, are you the artist and are noticing you are unable to create a station for your music?

If so, I can help put you in touch with our AMP team directly for further assistnace.

Let me know.

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

@AdamPandora I am the artist, however, I decided to check it out because one of my friends let me know that they were trying to find my Pandora station and couldn't. I'm not sure who can help solve the issue but I am open to talking to anyone to get it fixed.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for clarifying that with me, @andreaamusic.

I went ahead and created a ticket with our AMP team for you.

They will be reaching out to you privately via email to help look into this further, so please keep an eye out for their message.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

I am Also having the same problem


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Community Manager
Community Manager

@jayson_youmans I have created a case with our AMP team for you.

They will be contacting you privately via email to help look into this further, so please keep an eye out for their message.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

Hi Pandora Team, I have a new single released under a new distributor that isn't listed under my artist amp profile. Instead it is listed under a new artist profile with the same name "Ma'neen". Could this be fixed? I would like all my singles to be under one artist profile instead of multiple. 

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