No. This did NOT work... Any other solutions? How about Restart my computer? Any brilliant ideas like that? I lost 7 years worth of saved stations. WHAT is going on!!???
I recently had an issue with my account where I had to delete the app, then reinstall, and lastly re-sign in to resolve the issue. Upon re-signing in I had lost all of my collections stations which is easily remedied but it also removed all my thumbs up songs which curated those stations to my taste. Is there a way to reinstate them?
@Shallas I moved your post into this existing thread: My collection is missing after logging back in
It sounds like you may have multiple accounts registered with Pandora.
I am going to have someone from our support team reach out to you privately via email to help look into this further.
Please keep an eye out for their message.
I got a new phone and when using pandora I have lost most of my thumbs and stations. It is playing as if it is my pandora from 10 years ago. I tried to use a different email but when I try to change the password it never sends the email.
@J_dubbbbb I moved your post into this existing thread: My collection is missing after logging back in
It sounds like you may have multiple accounts registered with Pandora.
I am going to have someone from our support team reach out to you privately via email to help look into this further.
Please keep an eye out for their message.
I haven’t used my account in a while and when I logged back in a playlist of mine called “Classics” or “Classicals” was gone, it would be great if I could get it back.
@MatrixScapes I moved your post into this existing thread: My collection is missing after logging back in
It sounds like you may have multiple accounts registered with Pandora.
I am going to have someone from our support team reach out to you privately via email to help look into this further.
Please keep an eye out for their message.
Okay thank you but the email I have for this account is no longer active and I can’t receive emails to it anymore, could I give you a new email where I can be contacted?
@MatrixScapes If that is the case, you will need to contact our support team on your end by submitting a message through our help page.
You can send them a message from your new email address here.
Just make sure to provide the old email address associated with your Pandora account in the message you send.
Hope this helps!
I had reinstall the app since it was skipping. I am a premium customer. All of my playlists are gone. Bill Evans was one of my playlists … how do I get them back ? Thanks Bill
@BBS0525 I moved your post into this existing thread: My collection is missing after logging back in
It sounds like you may have multiple accounts registered with Pandora.
I am going to have someone from our support team reach out to you privately via email to help look into this further.
Please keep an eye out for their message.
Hello sir,
My thumbed up songs have also disappeared, wondering if i can get assistance as well.
Thank you
@kook1 It sounds like your original account is registered under a different email address.
I have created a ticket with our support team for you.
They will be contacting you privately via email to help look into this further, so please keep an eye out for their message.
Thanks for your patience in the meantime!
My collection of songs thumbs up everything has vanished from my account is there any way to get that back
@Pegleg4136 I moved your post into this existing thread: My collection is missing after logging back in
It sounds like you may have multiple accounts registered with Pandora.
I am going to have someone from our support team reach out to you privately via email to help look into this further.
Please keep an eye out for their message.
Can someone help me restore my collection? I changed my password & lost years of music. I’m so bummed
@Weldit1017 I moved your post into this existing thread: My collection is missing after logging back in
It sounds like you may have multiple accounts registered with Pandora.
I am going to have someone from our support team reach out to you privately via email to help look into this further.
Please keep an eye out for their message.
Please help me. Do I have multiple accounts? What is the problem?! I have been curating my playlists for years.
@awinters I have created a ticket with our support team for you.
They will be contacting you privately via email to help look into this further, so please keep an eye out for their message.
Thanks for your patience in the meantime!
I hope you can assist me. For some reason I lost all of my play list I had over a thousands songs. The only thing I have done different was upgraded to an IPHONE 14 Pro Max and when I tried to log in I noticed all of my play list was gone.. please help need my music back.
@FBeltre I moved your post into this existing thread: My collection is missing after logging back in
It sounds like you may have multiple accounts registered with Pandora. No content has ever been collected on this account yet.
I am going to have someone from our support team reach out to you privately via email to help look into this further.
Please keep an eye out for their message.