Im in the same situation i was literally just playing my music at work when mybpandora crashed and all my stations disappeared.
Pandora Update 03/09/21:
Here for another update!
Our engineering team believes that they were able to fix the issues causing listening and "station unavailable" errors. You may need to restart your web browser or mobile app to see these fixes take effect.
If you are on an Android device and are still noticing that all of your stations are missing, please try running through the following troubleshooting steps and make sure to clear your app data: Troubleshooting for Android Devices
I will be blocking this thread from future replies.
If you still notice any other issues, please create a new post in one of our support spaces, and we will be happy to further assist.
Thanks everyone!
I'm having issues getting logged in, and also am no longer seeing any of my stations. I was listening to my stations on shuffle and the app crashed entirely. Upon logging out and logging back in all my stations are nowhere to be seen.
When trying to log in on my laptop, I'm getting the message "Something has gone wrong. We're working on this issue, and we'll have things back to normal soon."
Please tell me my stations aren't gone forever...
Edit: it's an outage.
Went to listen to music on the way to work to find every bit of my music gone. This is ridiculous! How can I fix it!? My husband's pandora has been wiped too!
My thumbprint playlist suddenly froze then disappeared a few minutes ago. Is there any way to restore it?
I was listening to my Pandora not even 15 minutes ago when it stopped working so I restarted my phone and it seem their whole attitude changed completely I even lost my collection of music I was listening to as it happened to anybody else
Yeah me too
Hi there, @Edfullmetal. 👋
Thanks so much for reporting this.
As of 8:15 AM PDT, we’re looking into reports of stations being unavailable, along with other general service issues. We will keep you updated as we learn more. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Pandora Update 03/09/21:
Hi everyone! 👋🏽
We’re looking into reports of stations being unavailable, along with other general service issues.
Keep an eye on this thread as we will keep you updated here as we learn more.
Thanks for your patience in the meantime! 🤝
Me too! **ahem**
And me.
Same here! My heart is sad.
Meant to add that Pandora is inaccessible on Roku. The display says, "Unexpected Error."
@b0n3s316 I moved your post into this existing thread: Pandora Outage (03/09/21)
Keep an eye on this thread as we will keep you updated here as we learn more from the engineers who are looking into this.
Pandora Update 03/09/21:
Here for another update!
Our engineering team believes that they were able to fix the issues causing listening and "station unavailable" errors. You may need to restart your web browser or mobile app to see these fixes take effect.
If you are on an Android device and are still noticing that all of your stations are missing, please try running through the following troubleshooting steps and make sure to clear your app data: Troubleshooting for Android Devices
I will be blocking this thread from future replies.
If you still notice any other issues, please create a new post in one of our support spaces, and we will be happy to further assist.
Thanks everyone!
Yes, I had to log in again on my Roku but the stations are accessible again and playing. Thank you.
Happy to hear that, @elerman.
Thanks for letting us know!